Just moved blues

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Just moved blues

Post by Wong » Tue Nov 16, 2004 8:33 pm

yea...i just moved like...2 weeks ago...and destroyed my laptop :evil:

so...while this lets me watch all of my anime over....and over...and over....and find lots of ideas...it kinda blows i can't edit anything.(fyi....yes...this is another laptop..but its not mine...heh)

so...i decided to build a new computer that will fit all my editing needs! and more. Kind of overkill i guess....but its going to be a few days to a week before it all gets here...then i have to build it...and then i have to install EVERYTHING(yay) and all that crap. Lets just say adobe LOVES my credit card :D

So...while i have given you all a break from the crap I produce....I am warning you now that this period of Wong-less crap is soon coming to an end...and will be back in full force, with more crap...faster crap...and crap that you just can't rip your eyes away from!!!!!

I hope. Depends if the credit company loves my card card as much as adobe.

anyway....its been a while since i was on the boards....and i finaly got on today....and wanted to post a really long thread about hbow i was coming back in a few days with something i hope knocks your socks off.

that is all. We now return you to your regularly schedualed program.

[MOD99: Please use the journal feature for this sort of thing, as on the forum it's off topic.]
NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!! MWG Productions NEW!!!NEW!!!NEW!!!
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AMVfreak wrote:Now, step outside of your room and take a step out into the real world for awhile, huh?


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