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Jace Tsunami
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Post by Jace Tsunami » Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:04 am

and to Gene, if you can't see why Creed is a joke after reading Kai's post, then I just don't know what to say to you.

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Post by celleouse2 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:29 am

sorry about that but you said its you in your avator all i can see is a twisted body with its back facing you. so excuse me for calling you a girl. but my opinion over creed still stands it is your opinion over whether or not you like someone or thing and besides i've never listened to them except what i hear off the radio and it sounds like the sma stuff over and over.

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Post by genestarwind21122 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:00 am

Kai Stromler wrote:
No, Creed got their bad rep because people figured out that they had only ever written and recorded one album, then kept re-releasing it with different names in the tracklist. This is a great business strategy when your first one goes platinum, but when you get to #4 with no change it is just evidence that there is no creativity going on at all. I dug Creed's first album (partly because I was still in my teens and hadn't started listening to underground music yet), but the wheels kind of fell off when the first single off the second hit radio and it was like, wtf, this sounds exactly the same as the last one. You can't get away with that unless you're AC/DC or someone else who makes fun music. Creed's music, while it may be "meaningful" to some, is certainly not "fun" in the way that AC/DC is.

Let me also go on record as stating that that "Fighting For Your Love" video is hilarious, whether it was intended to be or not.



I can't believe I didn't post in this thread back before it got necroed; probably couldn't pick five bands. The following list is still probably incomplete:

1) Death
2) Agalloch
3) Primordial
4) Evergrey
5) Sigh


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Post by genestarwind21122 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:06 am

Damn I hate when that happends. I was going to say that, Creed isn't the only band that does this. It is also Linkin Park, and Train for example also have there music sounding similar to there previous album. I'm not saying Creed is the greatest band ever. Yes their music sounds the same, but if you guys can't see behind the meaning of the songs then why bother listening. Music more than the instruments, its about a story/ message being told in 3-5 minutes in a sense. Say what you like. Everyone has their own right to their own opinions.

As for the Fighting For Your Love vid, it was suppost to be somewhat comical that was my intent.

Gene Starwind 21122

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Post by celleouse2 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:15 am

yes i can't deny that likin park did the sme by remaking their first cd and changing the words but they didn't do that to all 4 or 5 albums. and yes it is a good idea to listen to the words and thouhgts that go into each song telling the story of what they were feeling at the time to boost how you feel or what your thinking at the time.

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Jace Tsunami
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Re: music

Post by Jace Tsunami » Fri Dec 24, 2004 3:59 pm

celleouse2 wrote:likin park didn't do that to all 4 or 5 albums.
This is where linkin park wins over Creed, no contest.

And Gene, you're right. Songs are about expression. I myself though prefer to be soothed when being expressed one of these "meanings." You shouldn't have to make your ears bleed to connect with the lyrics.

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Re: music

Post by Otohiko » Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:36 pm

Jace Tsunami wrote: You shouldn't have to make your ears bleed to connect with the lyrics.
Not so much ears as brain, really.

Heh this is where, in a positive sense, we differ. I like to get 'overloaded' by music and be forced to spend hours on end 'putting together' a single song I heard to form a full picture.

Granted, I full-well realize this is NOT how most people like their music - nor should they. This is why I'm weird and most people, thankfully, aren't...
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Post by celleouse2 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:35 pm

as otohiko said he likes to be overloaded with the music. I know when i listen music i chose something that goes with that feeling i have. When im depressed i need something smooth or disgruntled. When im angry i need something loud. we each have things we chose about the music we like whether or not it makes us feel better or it just gives us some sort of a feeling when we need someone or thing to be there.

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Post by Otohiko » Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:32 pm

I don't know if overloading really gets to the bottom of it here.


Philosophical rant time:

Basically, it seems that for most people, the centre of music is the voice.

The centre of voice for people following certain types of musical ideology (no need for names here) is the individual. So, for those people, music is the product of an incredibly creative person who uses their expressive power to let their emotions out, describe the world around them in terms that you and they would consider 'real', and even create their own world. All in all, the center of music is the person who makes it, and it is their creation first and foremost.

For others (again, no specifics), the centre of the voice is the instrument - you can also say technical skill, but it ultimately comes down to the fact that music is made primarily by the instrument and the ability of the musician to make the best of it. The complexity, speed and sheer ability of the musician to shape musical structure is the ultimate centre of music here.

And then there's people like me, for whom this 'voice' is by and far NOT the center of music. This voice, the sound, what you hear in music, who or what produces it, is (exaggerating wildly) 1% of the music. The setting, the world around the listener, the listener him-/herself is (again, exaggarating wildly) another 1%. Where is the other (actually much more than, but, again, for display purposes) 98%?
That's where the big question comes in. And this is something I can't really answer too well without writing too much nonsense. I call this 'the real real world'.
Is an individual making the music even 2% as significant as the universe in which this individual exists?
Probably more like 2x10^-<infinity>%.
Is there a way for the music to reflect the rest? In my view, yes. Real music, for me, is centred on something in this massive fraction of the real universe which I otherwise have no hope of having access to. And, essentially, music (and art otherwise) is currently my only connection to that 100-2x10^-<infinity>% of what I feel is 'the real real world'.

How the hell do I get that out of music (without, mind you, the aid of any 'substances'!)?
I don't think I can answer that, other than saying "how can I not?".

This, again, has to do with real conclusions about the world which I've made through real experience.



This is precisely what the punk movement calles 'proposterous shite' and 'pretension' in music. Don't mind me... :roll:
The Birds are using humanity in order to throw something terrifying at this green pig. And then what happens to us all later, that’s simply not important to them…

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Post by celleouse2 » Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:41 pm

whoya otohiko and whatever hes on. two questions though one being what are you on and two why aren't you sharing with the rest of us. no specifics in mind.


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