Purpose: To create a stylized based Multi - Editor Project using the great Mixes found on Hamasaki Ayumi's singles.

Current Project Status:
Everyone should start Editing Tracks. The tentative deadline is for September of 2005. Use the Audio posted in this thread. The final project will use the HQ wav.
Current Status Details:
Editing Tracks:
You will be using the MP3s linked in this page. I will replace with the HQ wav when I join the project together. If you have some problem with editing to Mp3 and absolutely need the wav, I can send it Via AIM. Contact me in that event.
When you are ready to submit the final track to me, it should be formatted as this:
Size: 720x480
Codec: Huffyuv (RGB Mode) if possible. Xvid Quantizer 1 (or 2 no B-frames) may be accepted if there is no alternative.
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
FrameRate: 24fps
Please Remember to Deinterlace your video properly. You may be asked to make changes to your track due to technical flaws. If you refuse to comply, you may be replaced.
While there is no Pressure to get done quickly, Hence the late deadline, You ARE expected to stay in contact with the rest of the project from time to time, so I know you are still in on the project. If I cannot reach you and there is no response to any emails/PMs etc I send, I may choose to replace you.
Posting of BETA tracks for feedback is Encouraged here in this thread, and all members are likewise encouraged to offer such feedback and constructive critisizm.
Please fill your entire audio segment with footage. The begining and last 1-2 seconds of your segment may be used for Transitions.
Anouncing Track1: Daybreak.
Here are the current segments:
Segment Listing:
0:00 - 0:41 - Introduction - Bakadeshi - Full Moon, Ayu Footage & Original Art
0:41 - 1:33 - Segment A (length: 0:56) - JCD - MK Ray Earth , Original CG, Noir
1:34 - 2:02 - Segment B (length: 0:30) - Kusoyaro - Getbackers {In Progress Beta}
2:03 - 2:38 - Segment C (length: 0:38) - themaan - Evangelion
2:39 - 3:03 - Segment D (length: 0:27) - Zarxrax - Air
3:03 - 3:59 - Segment E (length: 0:58) - SnhKnives - Undecided
4:00 - 4:54 - Segment F (length: 0:58) - Turboneko - Utena the movie
4:55 - 5:53 - Segment G (length: 1:00) - Toji Fujiwara - Aoi Yori Aoshi/Enishi
5:54 - 7:01 - Segment H (length: 1:11) - Silver_moon - Angelic Layer {Completed Beta}
7:02 - 8:23 - Segment I (length: 1:25) - DrngedKreationz - Undecided
8:24 - 9:22 - Segment J (length: 1:01) - LCY84 -Undecided
9:23 - 9:57 - Segment K (length: 0:36) - godix - Kare Kano
9:58 - 12:00 - End Credits - Bakadeshi - Various
The Mix: http://www.aunmv.com/ayu-mix/Project_Ay ... ybreak.mp3
(This is the same mix as the second beta released in the interest gauge thread, if you already have that one)
How to select segments:
Post your main choice, along with 2 backup segments in the order that you want them. (Yea I know, blatantly stealing from Ros2, but hey it worked for them ;p ) I along with a few consults (who shall remain nameless for now) will decide who gets assigned to which track, based on your selection. This is not a first come first serve system. I will ofcourse try to assign your main choice before anything else, however if there's a conflict of interest, I'll assign based on who we think will fit the style of the song better based on past works.
Please note that I want Highest quality work for this project... Hey we must give proper respects to the goddess of Jpop ne? and thus the tentative deadline is set for September 2005 to give everyone ample time to work on their track. By joining, You are also accepting that we may ask you to rework your track (along with some suggestions if we have any) if we feel it is not up to the quality we want for the project. If you refuse, We reserve the right to remove you from the project and get someone else for the track. (Here, "we" being all members involved in the project. I want this to be a colaboration in all aspects of the project, including helping out with betas etc.)
I should clarify that the above rule applies mostly to technical issues of the track, and not so much the editor's style of editing. Unless the video is just realy to plain for the style of the project, we won't be harsh on actual style, as this is supposed to be a project showcasing each editors choice style of editing. What we won't tolerate is ugly downloaded footage, Interlacing problems, etc that can be fixed with some technical nohow, and has nothing to do with the editors particular style.
/end Edit
Track Selection Process will run for 2 weeks from today. All interested should have responded to this thread with their selections within 2 weeks from today, (Feb 3rd 2005)
Probably the same day or the next, Track Assignments will be updated here In this post.
All corespondance about the project should be held right here in this thread. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions related to the project here ^^
There will be a website, (still in the works) I'll update once its finished.
Format Specifics:
Once track selections are over, the .Wav file for your segment will be made available to you. There will be about 1-2 seconds of "Merge zone" space that should be kept in mind when editing, I will use the first and last 1 - 2 seconds of footage in your segment to merge into the neighboring one. In some cases it may be a fade, or some other transition, or it may just cut streight to it, it will depend on the style of editing and other factors. Keep this in mind when editing.
There must be footage at the very begining and end of your track.
(I.E. don't fade your segment in from black or white, it may not work with the neighboring track)
Edit: The track audio files you will receive will already include this buffer zone in them so you can still edit with the beat. In otherwords, your track will repeat audio from the previous track for about 1-2 seconds or so, But ofcourse it will be merged seamlessly in the final project Encode.
Final encodes should be provided to me in Huffyuv as 24 fps Progressive, 720x480 resolution in 4:3 aspect ratio. Please Pan & scan your footage if using 16:9 aspect ratio. If you submit to me in 16:9 resolution, I will pan & scan it for you, but you may not get the exact areas of the scene in the video you want if I do it.
If Huffyuv is absolutely not possible, then the next best thing is High Bitrate Mjpeg or Quantizer=1 Xvid. I realy want Huffs though.
Other Project details:
I intend to see this project to completion.
Audio, mixed by me, with some help from DrangedKreationz:
0:00-0:47 Daybreak Hal's Mix 2002
0:40-3:03 Opening Run - JK's Extended mix
3:03-6:34 I am... Night clubbers mix
6:30-8:26 no more words - turn up the break mix
8:23-10:00 I am... Huge Fairytale mix
10:00-12:00 Daybreak Hal's Mix 2002
All from Hamasaki Ayumi's Daybreak Single.
Project Ayu-mix sig banner(s):

Ofcourse your welcome to make your own aswell.