x2.Castor Troy wrote:I don't really care about originality in videos anymore... (OMG) I mean Toushi was a Naruto action video like the 10 million other ones but I enjoyed it to it's fullest extent. It's all just a simple matter of me liking the video regardless of the anime/song/concept.
I also recognize that's just my opinion so when I get low orginality scores or low review scores because of originality on one of my Naruto or DBZ videos I don't mind. Just so long as the other aspects are judged fairly as well.
And just for the record, as a source, FLCL is proportionally (6 episodes / 1030 videos) overused way more then either DBZ or Naruto and nobody ever bitches about it. Except me... Right now I guess... But this really isn't bitching cause I don't mind I'm just pointing out.