S-Video capturing

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S-Video capturing

Post by dalethedino » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:29 am

I am friends with a Mac user who uses his S-Video cable and other audio cables to capture video on his computer in relatively high quality he uses

iMovie to capture the footage and then final cut pro for editing.

can I do the same thing with adobe premirer 6.5 on my PC? or do i need some other program to capture from an S-Video cable?

also if anyone knows where there is a guide to doing with this on PCs can you post the URL in here?

sorry if there is a guide to do this already on this site, I read through the titles and none of them sounded like it.
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Post by bum » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:33 am

I may be wrong but I dont think you can use s-video to input video. If you can then your video card will specificaly have to suport it and in that case the card would have probably come with software to do it.

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Post by dalethedino » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:05 am

don't worry about it i asked him over msn i'll just borrow his old capture card, now he's using some media converter thing.
I am Bender Please insert Girder.


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