Well, at least currently I don't think it sucks...

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Well, at least currently I don't think it sucks...

Post by parallel » Wed Jun 08, 2005 11:22 pm

... but you never know. I might even be embarassed about it a month from now...

I just finished my first AMV. It's called "Eternal Change". I used a song called Temple by The Shadow Dance (some obscure goth band that no one's probably heard of) but I thought it was perfect for NTHT. And like I said earlier, I don't think it sucks, but I can't honestly assure you of that unfortunately.

So if you'd like to take a risk and download it here it is:
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=75512

And if you could leave me an op or post here to tell me what you think, I would probably fall in love with you and devote the rest of my life to making you happy...
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Post by dj_ultima_the_great » Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:32 am

Well, I watched your video and I think it was very good - especially for a first music video. Mine certainly wasn't that good.

You had very nice quality footage - it was a little blurry, but it didn't detract from the video.

I don't know the anime or the song, but you seemed to have great mood sync. I could feel the message of the video as one of sadness or longing.

Your beat sync could have used some work, but it's forgivable for your first video. You did everything else right, so now you just have to fine tune.

Wonderful job! I certainly wasn't expecting a first video to be that good, but you pleasantly surprised me. ^_^

As always, Farewell, Good Luck, and Happy AMV-ing!

- dj_ultima_the_great

PS: my only other suggestion is that you shouldn't get down on yourself. Don't say that you don't think the video is crap, cuz then people are just going to think "this video is crap", without even watching it. If you just say "here's my first video. It was set to <<this anime>> and <<this song>> and I think I did <<this right>> and <<this wrong>>. Other than that, enjoy and drop me a line afterwards!" If you're optimistic about your video, rather than unsure, then others will be optimistic about it too.

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Infinity Squared
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Post by Infinity Squared » Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:10 am

Good advice...

Actually, as soon as I read this thread I was like thinking already, "eh, will this be worth my while?" It came accross as to down... :P

And right now I'm still at odds as to whether or not I should watch... hmm...

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Post by parallel » Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:10 am

Wow, thanks alot dj. You mentioned mood sync - that was the biggest concern of mine, I'm relieved that you think it worked, cause after awhile I couldn't tell anymore.

But you felt the beat sync was off? When I cut I usually just keep messing with it untill it "feels" right, I try to rely on my instincts as much as I can, without necessarily matching cuts with beats, but if it's something you noticed and it seemed off to you I'll definately pay closer attention to that during the next one.

I totally appreciate you checking it out and really being thoughtful with your critique. And your right too about being down with the topic subject. It was just the mood I happened to be in at the time I think, and I've never been very good at selling myself - now self-deprication, I'm an expert at.

And Infinity Squared - watch it because dj_ultima_the_great says it doesn't suck! :D
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Post by Infinity Squared » Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:19 am

Well, I thought to myself, "sure, why not? I'll bite this time..."

And I have to say, I wasn't disappointed... maybe because you made it out to sound rather duller than it actually is, or maybe I was genuinely impressed, but yeah... dude, you really underrated your own work. I quite enjoyed this video.

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Post by dj_ultima_the_great » Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:25 pm

Damn straight I say it doesn't suck, and everyone knows how much my opinion matters. :roll: :D

- dj_ultima_the_great

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Post by parallel » Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:12 pm

Infinity Squared wrote:or maybe I was genuinely impressed, but yeah... dude, you really underrated your own work. I quite enjoyed this video.
Cool. I'm glad you enjoyed it, really. I can only hope that you were genuinely impressed. Thanks for downloading it. I knew all I had to do was mention dj_ultima_the_great's opinion! I should name-drop more often...

I should have mentioned too, that it's somewhat experimental - I tried to mix in different styles/rhythms where I thought it worked better that way. I've cut together other live-action stuff (short film, music video) and that's just the style I've developed. I'm trying to adapt that to AMV's, and Eternal Change is my first shot at it.
dj_ultima_the_great wrote:everyone knows how much my opinion matters.
Your opinion does matter, since you take the time to be thoughtful about it.
The only acceptable, legitimate State is that of flux.


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