There is a balance between screensize, filesize, and quality. Basically, you get two of three.Heroine of Time wrote:O EM GEE!!!
So many sizes to choose from...well here's a related question...
If the size of your amv is smaller...will the file be smaller as well? Cuz I really need it so WMM can stop freezing on me.
If you want a large screensize and good quality, the file is going to be frickin hyuuge.
If you want a large screensize but a small filesize, the video is going to look like crap.
If you want good quality in a small filesize, the screensize is going to be smaller.
Of course, with a smaller screensize than the source materials is going to be losing picture information, but there is this thing human brains do called closure that makes compression codecs work, and the same principle applies to downsized screens.