Kusoyaro- So would I. Fujin was awesome and had more expression in her one-word lines than half the main party.
Pink_Floyd, like everyone else said, most of the FMVs in that game are Squall and Rinoa. It's almost impossible to make a video of any substantial length without either of them in it. However, you might like this video a bit more, as it focuses on the romance between Laguna and Raine, as well as that of Squall and Rinoa: All We Have Is Now
Also, unlike many other FF8 videos, it omits the Squall and Rinoa dance scene, as well as the Squall vs. Seifer fight at the beginning.
It is still straight-up romance though, but at least it does try to give two other characters some screen time.Spoiler wrote: The two seconds of Rinoa in her ball dress are from the end, where Squall is seeing all those images in Time Compression.