Instrumental Anime Project

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P. Y. T.
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Post by jasper-isis » Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:46 pm

Dude, that's awesome. When you put the monologue in a setting as elegant as that, my cheesy writing actually seems... fitting. :shock:

Definitely a thumbs-up from me. Mizuho is a little bright, yeah, but she doesn't really detract from the actual slideshow. I found the way that you handled the slides to be much more interesting. I especially liked how you handled that zoom at the end. :P

And how did you get the XviD compression so good-looking with all these shadows? :o

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Post by Tsunami Jones » Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:04 pm

I think that Mizuho looks fine (she does have a spotlight on her, after all :o ). My only problem is the two graphical glitches, but those might just be from the encode.

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Post by downwithpants » Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:31 am

it looks pretty sweet. i like the fade transitions between slides. mizuho didn't seem to bright to me.

a few suggestions though:
can you have the projector light use the averaged color light like jasper-isis used?
make sure the projector image is scaled up to the fill at least one dimension of the 512x384 box reserved for the projector images.
can ya add a shadow of mizuho in the spotlight behind her? - hopefully a one frame photoshop job because her body never moves.
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Post by Songbird21 » Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:02 am

Bakadeshi wrote:Should I keep the slides as fading into each other
Totally. It looks nice and it also lends to the atmosphere.
Bakadeshi wrote:Is mizuho good where she is
She's fine where she is. :)
Bakadeshi wrote:Note: Lipsynching Mizuho is tedious work.
Yeek. You're gonna hate me for this comment then. Lol. Mizuho's alignment changes slightly as she speaks. How did you position her onto the footage? Is it motion controls or did you position her in photoshop? If you did it in photoshop I would suggest working in layers to get the position exactly the same. Or you could avoid that altogether and just cut out her mouth in the right positions (And the eyes, to have them blinking) and then keep pasting the mouth and eyes onto the same cutout of her body.
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Post by Bakadeshi » Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:53 am

crap forgot to readd the shadow. already planned to do that, don't worry ;p

Yes, the graphical glitches, If you mean around Mizuho, I'm planning to fix that, I think I know what causing it. If you mean the stuff in the projector light, Not sure how to fix that, its a glitch that occurs with transparancy in images when it encodes it, when you change the transparancy settings (like fade in or out) on the fly.

I can try and tone down mizuho's brightness a little. But as someone said, she is behind a spotlight.

I am going to try and scale up the image a bit. I had the same thoughts that maybe it should fill more of the screen, so since you confirmed it, I'll scale it up some and see how it looks.

About the projector light: Do you mean making the light's color hue from the projector look close to the dominant color in the slide b eing shown? In a way I already do this. Except that I have like maybe 5 or 6 shades preprepared, and I just use the closest one to each. Pretty much just me being lazy and didn't want to make one for every individual picture in the comentaries. If you think it'll make a big difference, I guess I could still do it individually instead.

Oh and song, your gripe on the lipsynch is one of the glitches I'm aware of. I'm using about 3 photoshop images to handle it, so it'll only be a matter of adjusting the photoshop images to fix it. (the tedious part is the actuall timming and placement of these images on the timeline ;p) I just havn't done it yet.

Forgot to answer this:
Otohiko wrote: If you have any detail on what you might be looking for in terms of help - do tell.

Its just a matter of timming 3 photoshop images on a timeline to the monologues that Song recorded. I have an image for her mouth closed, an image for her mouth open, and another one for her mouth halfway open. I then have a seperate image of her eyes close to simulate the blinking that I just semi-randomly place over the lipsynch timeline to blink her eye. I could place in the blinks though, thats no biggie.

If you wanted to help with the lipsync, all you would need is the 3 images, the wav file, and then you'd time it and just give me back the resulting project file for me to import back into the project.

Ofcourse this means that Premeire would have to be able to import it, wich would probably mean only premeire users can help. I beleive I can import older Premeire projects with Pro however, correct me if I am wrong here.


Oh yea, I need Background music Ideas also. The one for this one is one I just found off my CDs that fit the mood of the monologue for this video. Its actually off of my Xenogears soundtrack. If any of you particularly have a song in mind for your own sections, I'll take suggestions.

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Post by Tsunami Jones » Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:08 pm

Bakadeshi wrote: Yes, the graphical glitches, If you mean around Mizuho, I'm planning to fix that, I think I know what causing it. If you mean the stuff in the projector light, Not sure how to fix that, its a glitch that occurs with transparancy in images when it encodes it, when you change the transparancy settings (like fade in or out) on the fly.
Yeah, that "box" thing tha appears around her, and then at 11 seconds or so the lower half of the screen kind of flips out for a moment.

I really like how this is set up though :)

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Post by dokool » Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:34 am

Is there a chance a convention screener for this project would be ready for late February?

I have quite the venue for you guys. Someone email/PM/IM me if interested...

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P. Y. T.
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Post by jasper-isis » Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:12 am

dokool wrote:Is there a chance a convention screener for this project would be ready for late February?
Late February?! Hells yes! This project WILL be completed by the end of October, even if I'll have to like, skip homecoming to work on it. :shakes fist:

Dokool, I'll talk to you soon. :)

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Post by Otohiko » Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:23 pm

Hmm, I think I'll just have to cave in with helping Bakadeshi on this lip sync thing - I hope I don't suddenly get buried (I have an academic conference to go to over the weekend, but that shouldn't be an obstacle... I hope).

I'm still thinking about the description. Haven't had any input from anyone other than Jasper and DWP on this - where are you peoples? :roll:
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Tsunami Jones
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Post by Tsunami Jones » Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:36 pm

Otohiko wrote:I'm still thinking about the description. Haven't had any input from anyone other than Jasper and DWP on this - where are you peoples? :roll:
Description for the video comments page?


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