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Post by *inverse* » Wed Nov 16, 2005 1:10 pm

Tetsunosuke from Peacemaker is constantly getting harassed because of his height/appearance :P

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Post by b00omshakalaka » Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:05 pm

*inverse* wrote:Tetsunosuke from Peacemaker is constantly getting harassed because of his height/appearance :P
damn how could i have forgotton bout tetsu ... yeah he a good example and damn EmilLang1000 u sure to ur research thanx for sharing ur knowledge damn vash could be in a basket ball team lol

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Post by SarahtheBoring » Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:06 pm

EmilLang1000 wrote:That isn't the official standing. Officially he's 72 Ins tall (not inches, but actually Ins, their system of measurement), and some people take this to mean 72 inches, or 6 feet. However, considering how he TOWERS over everyone else, and the bulk of the people AREN'T Japanese, but European, it seems unlikely that 6 feet would be very big; an equally large group take it to mean 7'2", which, assuming the characters are meant to be westerners more than Japanese, makes a hell of a lot more sense, especially when you compare Vash's and Meryl's height (Meryl being accepted to be about 5-foot even)...
Uhm, they aren't European. They're from Gunsmoke. A whole other planet. There is no "Westerners" vs. "Japanese." It's in space.

You made this all up, dude.

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Post by kitsunebeolnet » Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:23 pm

Mahou Sensei Negima is coming out on DVD soon after a sucessful fansub run...a 10yo wizard teaching 14/15 year olds and is 'vertically challenged' in comparason to his (all girl) students.

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Post by aesling » Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:46 pm

SarahtheBoring wrote:
EmilLang1000 wrote:That isn't the official standing. Officially he's 72 Ins tall (not inches, but actually Ins, their system of measurement), and some people take this to mean 72 inches, or 6 feet. However, considering how he TOWERS over everyone else, and the bulk of the people AREN'T Japanese, but European, it seems unlikely that 6 feet would be very big; an equally large group take it to mean 7'2", which, assuming the characters are meant to be westerners more than Japanese, makes a hell of a lot more sense, especially when you compare Vash's and Meryl's height (Meryl being accepted to be about 5-foot even)...
Uhm, they aren't European. They're from Gunsmoke. A whole other planet. There is no "Westerners" vs. "Japanese." It's in space.

You made this all up, dude.
But they seem to be of European descent (and they're from Earth so it does apply), and genetics are what matter in this case.

Anyway, back on topic. Maybe Momiji from Fruits Basket...he's short and looks about 10 to boot, even though he's in highschool.

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Post by aesling » Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:28 pm

OK, sorry from the double post. I just remembered Haposai(sp?) from Ranma 1/2. He would be pretty good for this because he can't be more than a foot tall. Maybe two feet tops.

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Post by EmilLang1000 » Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:42 pm

SarahtheBoring wrote:
EmilLang1000 wrote:That isn't the official standing. Officially he's 72 Ins tall (not inches, but actually Ins, their system of measurement), and some people take this to mean 72 inches, or 6 feet. However, considering how he TOWERS over everyone else, and the bulk of the people AREN'T Japanese, but European, it seems unlikely that 6 feet would be very big; an equally large group take it to mean 7'2", which, assuming the characters are meant to be westerners more than Japanese, makes a hell of a lot more sense, especially when you compare Vash's and Meryl's height (Meryl being accepted to be about 5-foot even)...
Uhm, they aren't European. They're from Gunsmoke. A whole other planet. There is no "Westerners" vs. "Japanese." It's in space.

You made this all up, dude.
Actually, I'm not; the official standing is that Vash is 7'20" tall. Most people call this, however, 72 Ins. The true meanging of this is debated (it could mean inches, following the "yars" and "iles" motif, but only being 6 foot tall seems unlikely).

I know they're on Gunsmoke, that's obvious, but did you forget that they got there FROM Earth? This isn't Star Wars; Rem DISTINCTLY said they were traveling from earth to a new planet, and because of Knives crashed on Gunsmoke. Many, if not MOST, of them are of European descent; not Europeans themselves, but just because you live on a different planet doesn't mean your genetics immediately change, especially considering that they've only been there for a little over 100 years, not nearly long enough for a new race to emerge. If you want to call me a liar, check Absolute Anime's description:
Call me full of shit if you want, but I'm not just throwing stuff out there. I've done my homework, thank you very much, now do yours before you make blatant statements.
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Post by SarahtheBoring » Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:05 pm

...yes, seven feet twenty inches (therefore over eight feet, almost nine) is MUCH more likely than six. *headdesk*

Whatever, dude. It's been entertaining.

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Post by ZimKayu » Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:17 am

How bout Guru Clef of Magic knight rayearth.. He's small.. right? and not to mention, He has a cool outfit..

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Post by beau kang » Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:45 pm

Wow, these are a lot of great suggestions guys. I'm not too sure I'm going to use Guru Clef though, mainly because he doesn't get POed when someone calls him short, small, or shrimp. Thank you for the suggestion though. Anybody else out there have some good ideas?
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