Changing frame size in Adobe Premiere Pro

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Changing frame size in Adobe Premiere Pro

Post by Kryren » Mon Nov 28, 2005 9:48 pm

Ok, I admit that I've very, very new to Premiere Pro when it comes to messing around with anime footage. Here's a problem I've recently run into while working on my newest project:

I'm using two kinds of footage: movie footage and then AVIs from the game the movie is based off of (Final Fantasy 7 if any one cares). The movie footage is roughly 600x400px where as the game footage is about 400x200px. As you can imagine, this looks horrible when put together (aside from the fact that they look completely different).

My Question: is there any way to change the frame size of my clips from the game so that they match up with the ones from the movie, or even vise versa?

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Post by psycoculex » Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:00 pm

im hopin you mean resize - so you can easily do that with virtual dub - there is a guide on the site to help with video game footage so i suggest you read that.

in premiere you can change frame size also using effect controls and messing around with the scale

but i wouild prefer changing the size in vdub first then importing into premiere.

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Post by RolltheStampede » Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:11 pm

you can also use avs scripts to do the same thing
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Post by Kryren » Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:50 pm

Thanks for the replies. I feel really dumb now, as I so didn't see the part about resizing when I looked over the tutorial pages a while back, or at least didn't remember seeing it.

Vdub turned out be the easiest method of resizing. Thanks.


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