I need help picking out software

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I need help picking out software

Post by Kaworu-kun » Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:15 am

I was wondering, what is the best program for making AMVs that costs around $40-60?

I'd also like one that rips and burns DVD's if possible. This will be my first program so I really have no clue what to do.

Thanks in advance!

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Post by 808-buma » Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:49 pm

well, normally I'd point you to the stickied topic at the top of this section of the forum (look up a couple of topics) but as you are asking about a specific price range...

first there's Windows Movie Maker - free if you have a PC. Although not the most flexible software to make AMV's, it's the right price and I've seen very good AMV's made with it (at least the creators tell me the use WMM to make it). Doesn't burn DVD's , but with the money you save, you can go buy one (or use the one that my have come with your dvd burner).

second in this price range (and what I use) is the Magix Movie Editor Pro, version 10 (current version in the US - but there is a better version from England, 10+). It is a full-featured NLE (Non Linear Editor) and it does burn DVD's (although I have heard it isn't as user-friendly as some others - but I don't use it so I can't say). Very powerful program for very little cost (under $70)

the next price point falls just outside your price range, coming in at about $100 which is Adobe Premiere Elements. It is a cut-down version the full-blown Premiere but from what I understand, it does have enough bells and whistles to make a decent AMV. I don't know if it burns DVDs, however.

Oh, and for ripping dvds, you can find very good free versions - check the guides, but the three typical ones used are DVD Decrypter, DVDFABDecrypter, and Smart Ripper.

hope this helps

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Hee we go.

Post by 07rjudy » Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:13 pm

I would really recomend using Video Exoplosion. you can import and edit very precisly and its about 50$. I would also HIGHLY recomend downloading "super". its a video encoding/converting software that works amazingly well. just google it and it should come up. Make sure to check out (download .com).


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