Worst voices in Anime...

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Post by Flame-X » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:31 pm

That short yellow hair loli girl in Soul Link. Her voice is so whiney that I feel like throwing myself into the speakers. X_X

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Post by Reese! » Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:59 am

I never really liked some of the voices of the Love Hina dub. Especially Keitaro's voice. :evil:

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Post by panda-chan » Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:24 pm

I can't really think of many right now, but I HATE the voices of Risa and Riku from DNAngel, I don't know who does their voices, but if someone know, please tell me.
Reason why I hate Risa Harada's voice:
It's TOO sweet, and urgh, it just gets on my nerves!!
It's too high-pitched. "Mr.Dark!" I hate it when she says that, I have nothing against Risa, except her voice.
Now..reason why I hate Riku Harada's voice:
When I first heard it, my ears started bleeding, I mean, come on!
It (at times) sounds like a man is doing her voice! True, she's the "tough" twin, but her voice is just too much. I hate it when she says Risa! the most,ugh.
I think they could've done ALOT better on these.

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Post by sjnetkings » Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:55 pm

Richard Ian Cox on Ranma is awful... just plain ugly...

And all the voice actors on Pokemon makes me sick, and I hate it...

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Post by kirby_pinkgod » Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:18 pm

Bubblegum Crisis, I only saw one episode of this and didn't even get through the whole episode, simply couldn't stand the voice acting. Usually I can't stand watching any dubbed anime after hearing the Japanese voice actors that's always what I expect to hear.

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Post by RanChan13 » Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:48 pm

Lynn Minmei from Macross, in any language.
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unknown to Death
Nor known to Life
Have withstood pain to create many weapons
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I pray, unlimited blade works.

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Post by Shadow Blade » Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:27 pm

hmmmm... The guy who does Kankuro on US Naruto. He sounds like a wuss -_-

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Post by blaku92 » Sun Jun 18, 2006 12:03 am

Not tryin to sound chauvinist or anything, but nearly all english female voices. . . simply irritating. The english voices of Caska off Berserk, and Misato from Evangelion are good though in my book.

Kabuto's (Naruto) english voice: especially when he whipped out his chakra information cards -- he sounded like dork playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons. It was like: "COOL look at my new deck i've created!!!" I seriously bet they will create another shitty collector's playing card game now because a million Narutard 12 year olds will want them.

Cell's (DBZ) english voice: Not a good dub artist at all, but he made me laugh my ass off with his horrible threats and comebacks.

Good Kamui (X/1999) english voice: Just God awful. He sounded like a complete bitch. . . that was confused.

"I've dated uglier girls than you for breakfast."

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Post by Shadow Blade » Sun Jun 18, 2006 1:19 am


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Post by Melanchthon » Sun Jun 18, 2006 3:07 pm

Vicious Knives wrote:Dorothy Elias-Fahn voiced (among other characters) Meryl in Trigun and Naru in Love Hina. .... She rarely manages to get her characters' emotions right. Her attempts often come off sounding incredibly forced with a cringe-inducing over-emphasis on whatever emotion she was going for. The woman does not seem to grasp the concept of subtlety.
She makes a better-sounding Meryl when she's shouting at Vash, but she does narrate her lines sometimes instead of acting them. Everyone else in Trigun is pretty good except for Miss 'daddy, oh daddy, I'm coming!' who kind of looks like a Bible Black character. She was cringe-worthy.

The first four episodes of SoulTaker are pretty bad. Like the Eva dub, it might be acceptable but with a shaky start, but I don't plan on finding out. I'm not sure how much better the Japanese is (and Kyosuke is still kind of annoying), but at least I don't have to listen to Kyosuke whining about turning into a whorable monster.


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