Fox00Mccloud wrote:Did you even read the first post. I didnt come here to argue. Just some others did, i have nothing against (its awesome). I just prefer hosatchel.
wurpess wrote:Ok, correct me if I'm wrong here, but I thought the announcement thread in the forum was for announcing vids that have just been uploaded to Or have I mistakenly stumbled onto a hosatchel amv anouncement board again?
That was in conjunction with your original post.
wurpess wrote:And with the whole download vs streaming argument and downloading vids taking up too much space, there's no law stating that you have to keep everything that you download. You can delete the ones you don't like. And when the ones you do like start reaching critical mass, you can always burn them to cd or dvd so you can watch them later but they're not crowding your comp. (And they look better. *^_^*)
This was my 2 cents on the arguement that came after
wurpess wrote:And I don't know why all you hosatchel people come here and argue that hosatchel is better and we should function like them. Obviously, we're here because we like how things work here. We like downloading vids, having the vids have potentially better quality and being able to watch them later. Coming over here and arguing isn't going to change our minds. And we would get the same reception if we all went over to hosatchel and started bashing streaming vids. It's two different sites ran two different ways. It isn't AMVTube. (orgsatchel?) If you like hosatchel, stay at hosatchel. If you like, stay at If you like both, make sure you know what site you're on at the time so you play by their rules and don't start mixing stuff up that shouldn't be mixed. [/rant]
And this is just a general rant because generally a lot of people here aren't too thrilled with youtube, at least in the AMV department of it. There's the whole quality thing that everyone goes on about, the type of drama that it seems to attract, along with people uploading people's vids and claiming them as their own. I didn't really mean to snap at you, its just we get so many people from youtube coming over and arguing about it and trying to act like one is an extension of the other. They aren't. They are two completely different sites ran two completely different ways. . . with two different catalogues. Just gets a little tiring after a while. But really, if you want more people around here to take your vid more seriously, I would upload it here. Since this is the announcement thread, not the youtube one. *^_^* Or if you didn't want to upload it here, you could link them in your org profile (in the "about me" blurb part) and whenever you put out a new one, put in a journal entry "Hey, got a new vid. It's on youtube. The link is in my profile. Come check it out!" You would be surprised how many people actually read the journals.