Would something like this work?

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Would something like this work?

Post by rwgirl » Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:00 pm

Hi.... um...., if I don't use a DVD Decrypter, would something like this work also? :? Here's the website:


It says here that it can copy movies from a DVD to a CD or another DVD rom. If I did this instead, will this work just as well? :?
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Post by Krisqo » Fri Dec 15, 2006 6:09 pm

From what it sounds like, this program will only copy DVDs to another digital storage medium like DVDs and CDs. More or less a DVD copier. The thing with these is that they tend not to work with Copy Protected Professional DVDs.

But why pay for something like that when DVD Decryptor or FABDVD are free for download?

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Post by rwgirl » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:17 pm

The reason why I'm asking this is cause

1. I asked this guy at Best Buy and he says that they don't carry something like a DVD Decrypter and people can just as easily decrypt something and copyright it.

2. Me and my Mom was looking on the internet and we were trying to look for it to download. When we went into this website, there was a little fourm about a Adaptac Software and someone said that it completely screwed up there computer to where they couldn't write anything to their hard drive.

3. The Best Buy guy also says that the best place to find a DVD Decrypter store was online and buy the software. Of course, I found this and I'm wondering if this could work?

So, basically that's the reason why. :mrgreen:
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Post by Zarxrax » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:30 pm

Why are you asking Best Buy for a dvd decryptor? O.o

Just get it here: http://www.doom9.org/software.htm

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Post by Krisqo » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:30 pm

My only concern is that it won't copy legit DVDs and you'll be shelling out $25 for nothing. See if there is a trial version and check it out.

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Post by Kariudo » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:35 pm

for reference, you're looking for a dvd ripper.

this isn't the kinda of thing that best buy would have...and you're probably better off doing the research on your own instead of asking some tech person.

basically, ignore everything the person at best buy said.

go to this site's downloads section and look for de-scrambling/ripping tools.
dvd Decrypter can handle pretty much every dvd except those with sony's ArccOS protection (in which case I believe dvd fab decrypter does the job)

follow these instructions and you should be just fine

would you mind getting a link to that forum that you mentioned?
I'm guessing that the person tried messing with whatever program they were posting about and got burned.


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