We present to you the completed results of the .org's game of telephone!

This includes 18 tracks made by 14 people in the last 8 months, along with a few extras. The 22 minute and 54.5 second video weighs in at a reasonable 280mb.
The project features tracks by:
<a>Otohiko</a>, <a>jasper-isis</a>, <a>krzT</a>, <a>madbunny</a>, <a>Coffee 54</a>, <a>godix</a>, <a>Kitsuner</a>, <a>Bakadeshi</a>, <a>anubisx00</a>, <a>Fall_Child42</a>, <a>Stolen Soul</a>, <a>Ojamajo_LimePie</a>, <a>Ileia</a>, <a>supersaiyan313</a>
To the viewers:How it works:
1) Someone writes a random AMV-able title
2) Another person makes an AMV based on this title
3) This AMV is watched by another person (that does not know the previous title), who then writes another title for that AMV
4) Based on this new title, someone else (that does not know the previous title or video) makes an AMV
5) Repeat steps 3) and 4) ad nauseum
6) Compile the tracks together into a single video and release!
Well, see if I can sell this to you by saying:
-a unique concept
-great variety of tracks
-great variety of editors (see if you can guess who did which track before the credits roll!)
-good editing
-great visual quality
-quite a few good comedy tracks
-quite a few good action tracks
-quite a few good... other tracks
And I mean, just think of the leaps of imagination some of the editors had to take to squeeze that or another video out of a title they were given!

To the editors:
I hope you guys enjoy seeing everything finally revealed and feel that your track was done justice to in this release.
To Jasper:
Thanks for all the awesome work on this! It's still in many ways 'your' project, from the original idea down to the exact 'style' that this project ended up with.
Oh, and by the way. Your birthday present (i.e. this project), months late though it is, is finally ready >__>
Hope you all enjoy it!


Oh, one ironic fact:
This project is a wild exception to MEPs in the sense of being released on time.
Over 3 months ago, we set the deadline at January 15th. It was released 00:03 on January 15th. Fancy that, huh