Nekoyoukai wrote: I'm not usually very good with light and fluffy.
can't wait to see either way O:
this is one of the most fast-paced MEPs i've been in.
i like it.
Nekoyoukai wrote: I'm not usually very good with light and fluffy.
Youtuber wrote:What is an MEP exactly? I looked it up but I don't think it has anything to do with being a Member of the European Parliament.
So fast. I think you broke a record. I've already watched it, I'll send you a PM soon.Ingow wrote:I already pm'd my beta :O
It's the magic of AMV's. Just wait and see.Cornwiggle wrote:I'd like to know HOW you could make it look like everyone in this MEP are gay when they're not. It sounds amusing.
The miracle of adobe, cut outs, animated gifs from other parts of the anime. But I can't say too much or it'll give it away. and there is sooo much artwork to use hahahahaCornwiggle wrote: Well it does sound pretty funny, you know with Autraya's idea, I'd like to know HOW you could make it look like everyone in this MEP are gay when they're not. It sounds amusing.
No I know this MEP thing is not picniccode_chrono wrote:I never did get back to you on stuff.
I think the first comes has the rights (I don't remember the expression O_o ). code_chrono has to look for another.savvy_style wrote:uuhhh, I already took Nickleback's Far Away D: oh noes...what we gonna do? o_o?
Heh thanks (and not that I wouldn't like how people assume that I'm a girl from what I edit or anything but I'm a guy :p)u_queen wrote:Btw, thanks to Ingow for finish the track first Give her a clap ^o^
just so that it doesn't end up wrong in the credits, this is still supposed to be TsumexToboeu_queen wrote:Pair: Kiba x Toboe