The movie would fill in the details but it wouldn't completly change your take (I think.) The movie is mostly a trestie on the danjers of being consumed by your memories and living in the past. The main charicter (well, the one I focused on, earlier betas had more of the other 3) is just an ordinary guy with an ordinary, if somewhat tragic past. All he want to do is help his freind, but he just gets drwan deeper and deeper into the nightmare. His only strength was in being able to reject a false reality and live in the present, no matter how painful. Their only crime was being good people.BrsrkEva wrote:I got this AMV from farlo or someone, but I've watched it, and I haven't been phased by it, then again, i need to see Memories/Magnetic Rose (whatever it's called) (I think I found it at Best Buy).
Still an excellent AMV, although I don't understand it all the way.
I didn't accually intend for this to be a scary vid, although that's the way it turned out. It was intended to be more psycological than phsiological, it's the retelling of a great story.
I was showing it to a friend yesterday and I started it and then left to get some water. Well, the volume was turned up too high but since it starts at a normal volume it wasn't noticeable (Requiem for a Dream has 3 volume levels: Normal, soft, and in-your-face). I come back and the computer is blasting Requiem.angelx03 wrote:I got scared so I turned down the volume.
My friend is sitting absolutely motionless with his face about a foot from the screen.