Voices_Of_Ryan wrote:So i've seen a ton of negative feed back about the vca's all together.
But i'd seriously like to know,
Would you guy's be happier without them?
I'm not being sarcastic,
I'm not being an ass.
I'm asking a legit question,
Would you be happier without the viewer's choice award's?
I'd like to see what people think.
No you have a very good point.
Since I know you're fairly new, look on the bright side, they'll be over soon and everything will return to "normal" in a month or two. I hate to say it, but the VCAs just bring out the worst in this community, but as many have already echoed, competition, having pride in one's work and so on are all human nature. It just gets uglier than usual this time of year. Hell we haven't even gotten to the nominees or "real voting" yet. Just wait till that
Just ignore it (if it annoys you) and make videos

. And don't get me wrong, they can be fun too. It's just a matter of how much you let it get to you. Remember:
Have fun!