Weed was illegalized because it competed with cotton. On top of that, some of the heads int he governemtna t the time didn't like it and felt it was dangerous. They went from coast to coast burning hemp fields and shutting down farms that grew the stuff.
Me, I don't care if it gets legalized or not. I am not concerned with its benefits or whatnot, and I don't really care if its harmful or not. Here's my main thoughts on weed and weed smokers though...
1. The smell is pretty nasty. I know people who think it smells wonderful. Guess what? They smoke it a lot, too. I garguntee you that 99% of people who like the smell of weed only like it because when they smell it they start craving the stuff. It's like smelling your favorite food. You like the smell and want more. If you liked the taste of shit, I bet you'd be drooling at the smell of it too.
2. After smoking, you fucking reek of it for hours on end. I worked in Jamestown Mall in Florissant, Missouri this past week. If you're not familiar with the area, let me just say that it's pretty fucking ghetto. I am not a racist person or a stereotypical person, but you can usually spot.. and smell.. a stoner, be he black or white, from quite a distance. WHen I see a couple of bruthu's walking up to me wearing do-rags, baggy pants, a cigarette behind their ear, and one of their eyes open wider than the other, plus a wobble in their step... I know what the fuck is up, ok? So do cops, so be careful if you're one of those people. Dd I mention that after smoking, you FUCKING REEK? Okay, good.
3. Driving while high? Are you crazy? I drove high one time. Yeah. I thought a black SUV parked on the side of the road was a FUCKING TUNNEL!! I almost DROVE INTO IT! Weed is not only uplifting, but also slightly hallucenegenic.. it WILL make you see things sometimes, whether you wanna believe it or not. Did I mention that weed FUCKING REEKS? Ok, good.
4. The taste, much like the smell, is usually only enjoyed by regular smokers of the product. Just like smoking cigarettes (Which, after having smoked them for so long myself, I find rather tasted, mentholated, plain, or special blended... but I know plenty of people, most of them non-smokers, who can't stand tobbacco's taste or smell.) By the way, weed FUCKING REEKS!
5. Generally, people who don't know a lot about weed, and are against it, alsonever smoked it. THat's heavily to do with the fact that only smokers or people who are hardcore into getting it legalized even care about what it actually does, where it's grown, how it looks, subscribe to weed magazines, etc...... Plus IT REEKS!
Okay you get the idea. My main compaint is the smell, followed by the social rejects that seem to smoke the shit. nasty smell + lots of idiots smoking weed + me = not a happy me.
Now pardon me, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette