BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

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BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by Kairih » Wed May 09, 2012 3:32 pm



Hey guys! :)
Well, this is my entry for the first round of the quickening tournament! I'm really excited about it.
We had 1 week to make our video, and the song was given by the judges. Well, I'm not here to explain the contest... All I have to say is that I had fun trying to make this video!
The song is not my genre, but I tried my best and I hope I did a decent work at least. :)
Wish me good luck for first round!

ps: ignore the terrible poster XD

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by Centurione » Wed May 09, 2012 3:48 pm

I liked it! :up:
Pretty awesome. The only thing I didn't like is this effect (the one like in 0:08) but generally it was cool!

Good luck, my rival (that sounds weird :D)!

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by AimoAio » Wed May 09, 2012 7:19 pm

Hey that was pretty nice! :mrgreen: But the flow and the pacing was kinda all over the place. I like your effects for the most part especially the filmstrip-like effect because it went well with the sync but those slide blurs/twitching blurs are just awful. >__< They felt awkward and unnatural in the video since it ruined the flow more than enhanced it. It also got really repetitive after a while. The first section of each anime was done pretty well though, the section in the least I think that's the verse section? :uhoh: But I can't tell because this song sounds the same to me everywhere so I'm judging it based on the pacing. xD Not bad for a quick video! :up:

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by Emong » Wed May 09, 2012 7:46 pm

Skrillex <3

That was surprisingly cool. I've yet to see a dubstep (Bangarang might not be the dubsteppiest tune by Skrillex but screw that) amv that I would actually like but this had some fun aspects. I don't think the wobbles were synced very well but on the other hand I haven't ever seen them synced well. I liked the pacing though, especially when you went crazy with Madoka :up:

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by TwilightChrono » Wed May 09, 2012 7:59 pm




I wanted to edit to this song since this was one of the songs I sent in but oh well.

Great job. At times though I felt I couldn't see what was going on past explosions and the fast transitions.

Solid work though.
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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by xDreww » Wed May 09, 2012 8:45 pm

AimoAio wrote:the flow and the pacing was kinda all over the place. I like your effects for the most part especially the filmstrip-like effect because it went well with the sync but those slide blurs/twitching blurs are just awful. >__< They felt awkward and unnatural in the video since it ruined the flow more than enhanced it. It also got really repetitive after a while.
I was going to say the same thing, but may said it a lot more detailed then I would have. Liked the film strip effect, did not care much for all the twitch and blurs, and effects felt repetitive. It was a pretty neat edit though, just a bit all over the place. I did like the outro text you did.

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by Kairih » Thu May 10, 2012 3:59 am

Centurione wrote:I liked it! :up:
Pretty awesome. The only thing I didn't like is this effect (the one like in 0:08) but generally it was cool!

Good luck, my rival (that sounds weird :D)!
Thank you so so much, I'm glad you liked it! :D And yeah, good luck, rival :awesome: (ahahah, it does sound weird xD)
AimoAio wrote:Hey that was pretty nice! :mrgreen: But the flow and the pacing was kinda all over the place. I like your effects for the most part especially the filmstrip-like effect because it went well with the sync but those slide blurs/twitching blurs are just awful. >__< They felt awkward and unnatural in the video since it ruined the flow more than enhanced it. It also got really repetitive after a while. The first section of each anime was done pretty well though, the section in the least I think that's the verse section? :uhoh: But I can't tell because this song sounds the same to me everywhere so I'm judging it based on the pacing. xD Not bad for a quick video! :up:
May, I'd like to thank you for the tips and the great advices you gave me here :3 They will surely be helpful in the future! So thank you so so much ^^ You already know I'm a fan of your videos and your tips are always welcome!
Emong wrote:Skrillex <3

That was surprisingly cool. I've yet to see a dubstep (Bangarang might not be the dubsteppiest tune by Skrillex but screw that) amv that I would actually like but this had some fun aspects. I don't think the wobbles were synced very well but on the other hand I haven't ever seen them synced well. I liked the pacing though, especially when you went crazy with Madoka :up:
Thank you so much *_* I love your videos and it's nice to get a comment like this from you! :D *feels happy right now*
TwilightChrono wrote:Impressive.



I wanted to edit to this song since this was one of the songs I sent in but oh well.

Great job. At times though I felt I couldn't see what was going on past explosions and the fast transitions.

Solid work though.
Woah, I don't know what to say xP Thank you, I'm so glad you liked my video! ^^ I really liked yours and it's nice to see how much you like mine :D So thank you and good luck!
xDreww wrote: I was going to say the same thing, but may said it a lot more detailed then I would have. Liked the film strip effect, did not care much for all the twitch and blurs, and effects felt repetitive. It was a pretty neat edit though, just a bit all over the place. I did like the outro text you did.
Thank you so much Dreww! :D As for May and Emong, you're one of my inspiration, so it's nice to get a criticism from you! I will surely work on the repetitive thing!

Thank you guys ^^

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by lloyd9988 » Thu May 10, 2012 4:21 am

I feel I should leave an opinion on this >.<

Anyway, just going to give my general analysis :P

Film strip plus a hard cut was nice :3

1:35 - 1:36: The only time I felt the twitch was used in the right place when it was a zoom in on Kyubei's eye.

Feel the need to say this: Your animation with the text. . . I didn't like it very much >.< Felt like since the song had such a strong build up that the text animation should've gone much faster rather than just having a camera and rotation added.

Lastly, it seemed like you were more focused on synchronization rather than flow. . . Which is understandable but it seems like you did what you could to maintain the flow so I give an :up: for effort.

Anyway, one thing I can say about this is. . . Needs less twitch :P

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by Kairih » Thu May 10, 2012 5:24 am

lloyd9988 wrote:I feel I should leave an opinion on this >.<

Anyway, just going to give my general analysis :P

Film strip plus a hard cut was nice :3

1:35 - 1:36: The only time I felt the twitch was used in the right place when it was a zoom in on Kyubei's eye.

Feel the need to say this: Your animation with the text. . . I didn't like it very much >.< Felt like since the song had such a strong build up that the text animation should've gone much faster rather than just having a camera and rotation added.

Lastly, it seemed like you were more focused on synchronization rather than flow. . . Which is understandable but it seems like you did what you could to maintain the flow so I give an :up: for effort.

Anyway, one thing I can say about this is. . . Needs less twitch :P
Aww, thank you so much for your honest opinion! :)
One thing I would say about twitch... I don't get this. There are people who tell me that I have to use more twitch, people who tell me that I have to use less twitch... It's getting confusing, honestly. XD
Not that you're not right, but I don't get what I should do. I've made a video of only hard cuts and it wasn't liked.
But well, I'm doing for my enjoying so I guess that's alright. ù.ù
And twitch is the only effect I know that it could go well with this type of song... XD If it was a dramatic song or a fun one I would focus mainly in the flow, that's obvious.
Just wanted to explain myself, don't get me wrong. :amv:

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Re: BANGARANG! [The Quickening - Round 1]

Post by lloyd9988 » Thu May 10, 2012 7:45 am

Kairih wrote:
lloyd9988 wrote:I feel I should leave an opinion on this >.<

Anyway, just going to give my general analysis :P

Film strip plus a hard cut was nice :3

1:35 - 1:36: The only time I felt the twitch was used in the right place when it was a zoom in on Kyubei's eye.

Feel the need to say this: Your animation with the text. . . I didn't like it very much >.< Felt like since the song had such a strong build up that the text animation should've gone much faster rather than just having a camera and rotation added.

Lastly, it seemed like you were more focused on synchronization rather than flow. . . Which is understandable but it seems like you did what you could to maintain the flow so I give an :up: for effort.

Anyway, one thing I can say about this is. . . Needs less twitch :P
Aww, thank you so much for your honest opinion! :)
One thing I would say about twitch... I don't get this. There are people who tell me that I have to use more twitch, people who tell me that I have to use less twitch... It's getting confusing, honestly. XD
Not that you're not right, but I don't get what I should do. I've made a video of only hard cuts and it wasn't liked.
But well, I'm doing for my enjoying so I guess that's alright. ù.ù
And twitch is the only effect I know that it could go well with this type of song... XD If it was a dramatic song or a fun one I would focus mainly in the flow, that's obvious.
Just wanted to explain myself, don't get me wrong. :amv:
Oh! I wasn't saying it was bad! Lolz xD I was just kinda pointing out some stuff that you might watch out for in the next round :P More than likely, you'll get to round two with this video, then you'll be like: "Awww Yeah, Baby! That's right, I'm awesomesauce!"

But I'm still waiting for Irriadin or Shin to show up to say the following sentence: "Needs more Twitch". :bear:


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