ok, i just finished school yesterday. as in, for good, i graduated. well ive sitll got my hsc exams, but ive got 3 weeks of and the only thing i ever study for is physics. and i aint going to colege till next year (well, im thinking od doing an aprenticeship instead) so im gona have more than a little free time in my hands. and ive managed to learn ALOT about vegas (and even more thanx to taran). so i was thinking il do a guide for vegas, concentrating on everything from simple editing, playing wtih filters and moving around vegas, to more complex effects and stuff like masking, working with child/perant tracks. i might also cover things like plug-ins for vegas, including 3dle and wax. i just need to know if enough people actualy want a guide to vegas. mabey give me some suport to get me started on this . any advice and sujestions would be great. and if you want to know how to do anything like an effect you saw in a video, then that will be great too. oh yeah and im planing to include a bunch of .veg example files if i realy get into this. however they'l be vegas4 files because first off, to ensure compatability with versions 4 and 5 of vegas and secondly i dont yet have the money for vegas5. but if anyone using version 5 wants to help out with version5 specifics like new features and other things, it would be great.
now, all i need is some positive responce to this thread