• Food......................#3 2004-01-15 19:07:34 I need food 
  • The fatally boring entry...#2 2004-01-14 16:31:21 well, my day was just fine and dandy, howdy doo, roses and thorns, gasoline and flames, alcohol and wh...well, you get the idea...I think. The wrong idea maybe...oh well, screw it. Against your will, I will talk about how my day went. It went like this...bleh.

    First, I needed to call the college main office about a transfer.

    *ring ring*

    Front Desk(Anonymous for annoyoance factor): This is the *blank* University(you'll never know...) Admissions Office, how may I help you make your life a living hell?(OK, slight exaggeration)

    Me: Uh...I need to transfer my grades from *blank* to this college. You see...*long story*

    Front Desk: I'll just be annoying and ignore your request. Instead, I'll talk about why I'm working in this piehole, making enough money to make payments for my dumpster in the alley... that way...

    Front Desk: OK, I'll send your call through to...*blah blah*

    Me: ................ok..................

    *ring ring ring ring ring ring munch ring ring ring*

    Other Front Desk: Hello...*blah blah* how may I help you?

    Me(thinking): I gotta explain that whole story all over again?

    I hate when that happens. You get the main office and have to explain your story only to have it transferred to some other guy who is probably clipping toenails, pretending to listen. Then, you have to waste more breath explaining the same story to them and they just nod their head and gesture(Why? It's a dang phone!) saying, "So how you feel?"(FEEL? I FEEL LIKE I GOTTA SHOVE A...*takes a deep breath*) Well, you get the idea...almost as evil as telemarketers(no offense. You're just doing your job...a bad one...take up croquet instead).

    Then, I had to take a bus to some building 4 miles away from campus only to find out the guy I'm supposed to meet is in a meeting. So I went to lunch(I had to take the bus back, yes). Then went back for 5 minutes and had to go back(via bus) on campus again. Repetitive, no? Oh well, it's all worth the pain and blood and sweat. I'll soon be more rich and powerful than you all. MUWAHAHAHAHA!

    o.o sorry...ego got too big...imagination too big...

    anyhoo...that's how my day went. Well, goodbye until tomorrow if you haven't died from my long stories(worse than lethal injection huh?). Now, good luck and don't trip on porcupines with bazookas. Nasty buggers. Like a rhino in a China shop...Well, good bye, and don't get lost in your kitchen. 
  • First pointless entry 2004-01-13 17:23:09 This is my first pointless entry to a pointless journal. Why is it pointless?
    1) I'm the one typing it
    B) What I say is not that important to begin with...I think...
    III) There are only ramblings here
    d) I only ramble
    15) I'm repetitive and I ramble often
    X-12B) I repeat a lot of things I say
    lol) They are usually ramblings in disguise
    n00b) I'm new at this

    For my first composition I shall put what I did today:

    That's right...nothing. What tipped you off? Well, I ate, slept, breathed, but those mundane requirements for maintaining a healthy body would be stating the obvious...which is exactly what I'm doing right now...dang, I hate when I do that. It just annoys me. You know what I really hate? When stuff like that never stops. I never meant to do that, but I do anyways. It's a habit that sticks with me. I keep doing it over and over and over and over and over. There's no end to it. I hate when things like that go on infinitely and...dang, I did it again. I always do that. I need to punish myself for that.

    Let's get to the point, shall we? I suck at this so I'll shut up. Go on with your lives and do something worth your time. Go parachute off a building, or stuff yourself in a 400 degree oven, or eat knives, or even poke your eye out with a pen. Just do SOMEthing besides reading this.

    ---End of Message--- 
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