2002-06-05 00:39:38
Well, my ex-step-father cancelled our internet service, so I haven't had contact here for the last five days. I was starting to go into insanity withdrawals....
Virus update
2002-05-25 16:11:10
Well, I downloaded Norton antivirus (I had something else at the time) and did a check. It didn't help much, because all it did was tell me there was three viruses that it couldn't get rid of, and it told me every time I turned the computer on. Finally, I started my computer in safe mode and got rid of the file with the viruses in it (All three viruses were in the same file, as odd as it sounds). Of course, the file was a psuedo-system file, and was necceasry to run my start up, however without it all it did was give me an error message telling me that it couldn't find the file. I got fed up with that today, and got a program that does nothing, and replaced the missing file. So, basically, all my files are back in clean, working order.
and in a few weeks time....
2002-04-30 18:27:42
Well, I had been getting along without for quite a while. I guess I had figured I had seen the end of it. Anyway, what my topic is really about: Divorce and restraining orders.
In other words, my mother has put a restraining order (Although not technically one, it works the same way) on my father. They'll be divorcing soon, that's for sure. So he goes out and withdraws all the money from the bank accounts.
I can't say I'm sad to see him go, but life will be much harder for me now.
He was the sole source of income we had. This means my mom has to get a job. While that's kind of a big deal, the main problem is the fact that she doesn't have one yet, and our money's running out. She finally turned in a job application today, so we may know next week.
Just so you know what's going on in my life.
It's amazing how fast things can get better...
2002-04-13 12:39:28
You know the story behind the Mice and Men movie. I ended up using all my creativity trying to just get that project to work. So I was basically screwed for the music video I was making for my health class (it will be available when one of my videos hits 300 dl's). I finally got my mojo going the night that it was due. Herein begins when life became sweet.
I had finally gotten back to work on my project after about a three day block, when I get a phone call. The girl asks me if I know who she is. It takes a couple of minutes, but I finally figure out that it is Katie Bos, a girl I had a bit of a crush on, then she went to seattle schools. She wants to go to Prom with me. Now, I had gone to Prom the year before, and afterwards had sworn off going to dances, due to the fact that it depresses me so much when I go by myself, and I figured I'd never be able to get a date. So here I am, in one swift moment, getting a date AND changing my mind about going to dances. This was Tuesday.
Today is Saturday. I, for a while now, had been planning to be a CIT for a computer camp. I had signed up, and had to wait somewhere around three months to find out if they got my application. Then it was another two months to see if they were accepting me. All I got for confirmation was this list of requirements I had to pass, which if I did, I'd have to show facts that I do. Basically this stated that altough they would provide food and shelter for Counselors and campers, CITs had to provide everything themselves, and they had to pay to go teach some little brats how to use programs. It has been a month since I sent that letter, and I've basically figured out that they're going to screw me over by getting me to go. My mom, who was paying for the two weeks, told me I could spend the money on a couple of computer parts and have that be my computer training instead. So, in two weeks (we'll be gone next week, so we order then, and the place isn't open on weekends) I will be getting a Firewire Card, and an external 120GB hard drive. This is phase one of my "Memory Network." The plan is that I will buy another computer, get it firewire enabled, and hook it up to the HD as well(the drive has two access ports). Now, using the computer I have now, I could download stuff (music, videos pictures) onto the external drive, then access it on my new computer (which will be my video editting computer. This will leave a large amount of space on both, allow editting on one computer, uploading and downloading on another, and I can do both at the same time, with getting slowed down.
I feel very good. And tomorrow I leave for oregon for a week, where I can get some dragon statues (I have a collection of statues on my desk. two groups: dragons, and luck cats)
Ah, life just has its way of balancing out sometimes...
Odorikuruu gone wrong??
2002-04-01 20:04:03
BBT:can I get it?
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