- User Name: DonutFreak
- Member Since: Wednesday, December 26, 2001, 2:03 AM
- Studio: Planet Gunsmoke Productions
- Location: Vashon, USA
- Last Login: 2003-04-06 00:06:08
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (20)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2002-08-05 02:08:51
- Usefulness: 120.1 with
17 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Haha! Version 4 point... oh...
I stopped with the stupid watermark. I realized I could have a proper intro instead
I use Adobe Premiere 6.0 for the actual making of the video. With editted songs,I use Remixer MP32WAV to make my MP3 a .wav file (that seems kinda obvious) then edit the sound in Windows sound recorder. For fades I put the file in Audioedit Deluxe, but for mixing songs together I use sound recorder again. I then use MPEG layer-3 (MP3) Producer to make the files MP3s again.
I tricked, er, I mean... Forced, no wait, uh... was graciously given... yeah... given... some of Devolution's hosting space for a couple of videos. But, as usual, I am a broke bastard.
Planet Gunsmoke Productions
PGP consists of me. And me alone, at this time. I have a group of friends who make live action videos with me, and they call themselves "kitty! productions," In which I direct, edit, and am Cameraman. I consider this group to be an offshoot of PGP, as they were started by me, after I made PGP. I'm thinking of Trying new names, like "Kuro neko sama" or "Black Cat Media" for a new name, just to get the names to have some consistancy. Basically, I'd like to get any new members from vashon to join PGP, however it would work for any new members who like Trigun enough. So, hey, if you want to join a production group, lemme know!
On a side note, Planet Gunsmoke Productions is also does a side project under Kantacle Mech Design on mmft.netfirms.com. I got into mechs, and 3D modelling, and I happened to find that site. On there, it's Kantacle Mech Design, but it's all part of the Planet Gunsmoke Group.
I now have three videos. Only two are availible for download a this time, but I will be switching links around shortly. I can only have two vids hosted at a time, so I will be taking down the "Ed gone bad" video after 300 Downloads. It has 249 at the time of posting. I figure that as I finish my videos, I will exchange the most downloaded one for a new video, and cycle old videos every few months.