JOURNAL: Cybershadow (Donald Barnes II)

  • My god, I'm Back 2002-06-10 21:24:09 It has been a long time... I just moved and I am finally back on a high speed connection. I had a dial up in between but I could not stand it. Well I am thinking of starting a new video finally. Now that I have the summer off from college I have time to start up.

  • Thank God 2002-04-25 09:43:58 It is good to see the site is back up. I was getting worried there for a while. The internet became a very dull place without

    Well my Dead Bodies video is about to break 300, so if you haven't yet, check it out..

    Until Later 
  • Week of trips... 2002-04-11 20:10:22 I am going to be so sick of travling by Monday it isn't funny... I went to DC Tuesday, and I am flying to Florida tommorow.
    I have yet to start a new video, looks like it is going to be a while now. I have a 9 page history paper, 2 Chemistry web pages and 3 power point presentations all due by the end of the month... I guess I shouldn't have put them all off to finish up "Dead Bodies Everywhere.."

    (Shamless Plug...)

    Well, sence the fine people I will be staying with in Florida/Alabama have now internet access (I am lucky if they have heard of it, its a very back woods area) I will see you folks on Tuesday...

    meh my ass its probaly just Milhouse (This will only be funny to Digital Dojo)...

    "Make sure to wash your hands when you finish playing with those hampsters, or you will ketch AIDS"

    South Park 
  • DC 2002-04-10 06:04:02 Well,

    I went to DC Tuesday on a trip with my colleges communication class. We went to some different TV show's.
    The coolest part was a trip into one of the edit rooms. All of that equipment, it was like a dream land... 
  • A little digging 2002-04-03 22:52:39 Well, DD and Dev I have been doing some research on the word meh. It can be traced back two thousand years where the ancient Egyptians first used it in place of a picture of a cat pointing his tail slightly left. It was also found on some stones in the middle of Antarctica shortly after a deranged explorer carved them there.  
Current server time: Mar 15, 2025 09:11:09