Cybershadow (Donald Barnes II)
2002-04-03 20:01:23
What in the sam meh are you guys talking about? ^-^
One more thing to add:
2002-03-27 20:47:31
Well, well, well...
I have known Dojo all my life (Or all his life being that I am older) and I have only seen him this mad maybe once, twice top's. It's kinda funny.
Poor Bill...
2002-03-27 20:20:45
Digital Dojo:
Check your E-mail, I just sent you one and guess what, they took your other video's down also... Left the DBZ one's though... Bill must really be Clouddbz...
Well, an uneventfull day for me, so farewell and good night.
Just sitting here board as hell...
2002-03-27 06:34:44
I hate this class....
Sure whish I was at home working on my video... At least they left the net up by mistake today...
Just sitting here hating tomorrow....
2002-03-26 16:31:11
Well, I did not get to start on my video today either... I was to busy not starting on it. I cant start it tomorrow because that is the fun day of the weed that I am gone all day.
I will start on this video Thursday, and because next week is spring break, and because I have no money for a social life I will get to spend the week with it.
Well, I guess I am going to go do nothing for a while.
There is one advantage to not starting my video now, I get to enjoy that thing call sleep for a few more day's...
Cybe R. Shadow
"P.S. This is what the alphabet would look like without Q and R"
-Mitch Headberg
Current server time: Mar 15, 2025 13:10:04