JOURNAL: Neptune L`amour

  • Why think up a title, when you can... Um... Not... 2003-01-19 08:39:52 God damn, why the hell dose everything have to be so bleepin' depressing?

    Oh, heh, sorry, Forgot my manners. Ahem, hello to everyone who actualy reads my journal. If you happened to poke about the fourms whilst I did as well and your wondering what happened to me, well... I'm not sure I could explain it myself. No it's no something like I was warped to another planet and my brain was exploded and put back together. No more like I just haven;t done much of anything. I wonder if it means I'm stooping even lower into depression? Clinical depression mind you- It runs in the family unfourtunatly. Probably the same reason we get adicted to things easily too. Most of my family are alcoholics or were at one point.

    But I digress (and I also don't know what that means exactly)

    One thing I like about this journal is that I can ramble and rant in pretty much whatever way I want to, witch is fun. I felt like just writing tonight, even though my hand hurts. A skating injury from one of the new hobbies I've been aranged to take up, rollerhockey. Yes, aranged. As you may or may not know, I still live with my mother (don't let my charming wit fool you, I'm only sixteen years of age), and she's been setting me up with a number of things to do lately. Rollerhocky being one, the second being a Tai Kuan Do class (hope I spelled that right), and I'm sure their are more or I haven't remembered them since they have yet to come to fruition.

    So yes, that's what I did today, that and beat Metal Gear Solid 2. Oh yes, that's why I started writing this. Well, frankly that game depressed me, though I'm sure I just screwed up and didn't get teh "good" ending. I'm still debating going over to and figuring out what all the goodies are in the game. I probably shouldn't though, might be fun to try and get them all myself this time. One think I liked though, is that the game had the ultimate Alternet Universe Mihoshi (Tenchi Muyo, incase you couldn't place the name) in the character Fortune.

    Speeking of Tenchi Muyo, I'm going to pulg a story I'm writing, and you can't stop me! Ahem, if your interested, it's nearly complete. You may or may not have read the Tenchi fanfic I posted quite a while back in the fourms. I got some pretty positive feedback from it, witch was incorouging, but nobody pointed out the obviuos, witch I realised a few days ago. The story over all is just to basic, trite, and overdone that I wouldn't be happy with it. Well, yes I think I would, but no one elese would unless they haven't read much Tenchi fanfiction.

    So this new progect is a bit less mainstream, mostly becuse it revolves around the plot set by Tenchi in Tokyo (i.e. Shin Tenchi Muyo). I personaly liked, and didn't like Tenchi in Tokyo, but I did see something there. Promise. So this fic o' mine takes place about a hundred and fourty years after the end of Shin Tenchi Muyo, and revolves around a few key things from the series.
    Firstly, that Tenchi is a full blooded human.
    Next, that Ryoko therorises at the end of Shin Tenchi that Yugi will grow up to be like Sakuya
    And finaly that very little of the background is explained, so I can basicly have free rein as long as I keep it in a "Tenchi" perspective. I'm kinda thinking of this as the workover that Shin Tenchi deserved. It had several very memorable and loveable characters in it, spasificly Sakuya and Yugi, and I think more could have been done with it overall. Sound a bit lofty of me? Well why not? I don't think I've seen any solid Shin Tenchi fiction besides a Sakuya lemon I read once. I found a site that lists the top Tenchi fanfics in several catogories, including best Tenchi Muyo continuality fic and best Tenchi Universe (TV) continuality fic. But teh Shin Tenchi catogory was mysteriously empty. Why? No one will touch it is my best guess.

    Oddly I think this all started with a dream I had. I was Tenchi in the dream, at least I think I was, and I was playing Megaman X in a flower shop (you know how dreams are), anyway one thing I remember was Sakuya in it, she was crying and me/Tenchi was trying to comfert her. It's amasining how realistic a dream can be when it wants, I'd have sworn I was actualy holding her in my arms, I could even feel a bit of dampness where her tears had soaked through my shirt.

    Well everything all sprang up around that I guess, that and their not being a Shin Tenchi award. So there's my plug. Interested? Well, on the off chance that you are my e-mail is in my profile if youd like to proofread or just read it. It's about one page away from being done, or done enough that I can begin editing. I can asure you this though, I'm not a bad writer. I'm not nessisarily a good one but I'm not bad, it's been confermed by other people. Plus I want this fic to be really cool, and by god it will be or I'll die trying... Or something... It will need editing though. It's kinda hard to stay in the right perspective sometimes, espesaly since I swich between past and present tense several times, and I'm only used to writing in present tense... Oh well, might as well go big right?

    If you want you can reach me faster at this address

    I might not get back to you real quick like with my other. Also, the fic I finished is up at the Tenchi Muyo FanFiction Archive (, or is it .net? I don't remember). I go under the handle _Zoe_ there, and the fic is named The Ghost Train's Flight. You can read it if you like, and feedback would be great but I'll warn you now it's nothing groundbreaking. It dose have a bit of a tie-in with the Shin Tenchi serise I'm working on though. Rum, a character I introduce, is part of the race Auran, and they play a part in the new serise.

    Also, I just realised that's spelled the same as Samus Auran, I wondered where I heard it before... Well it's still in teh development process, maybe I'll add an unnesisary vowel in there or somethin'.

    Well I'm of, to once again be the wierd unreliable and one day famous author or stuttering loon that I am.

  • My thoughts on the color black 2002-10-22 01:37:01 Black seems to be the weapon of choice for anyone wanting to make a statement, don't you think?
    Goth's do black becuse they... Well I don't really know what exactly the quote "goths" are all about, but black seems to sum it up pretty well.
    Then their are those who wear it becuse it's a cool color. Black trench coat with boots, jeans or if you really want to make an impresion artic cammo pants, plus a t-shirt with some a: anti-social or b: funny or strange quote and/or picture.
    Buisness men wear it becuse it looks profetional.

    And myself? I just look damn good in it.

    Dewa mata kono tsugi
  • Why do I have to think of a title dammit! This post has no title I'm taking this crap and throwing it back in the systems face! 2002-08-30 04:43:55 You know the smell from that melted MacDonald?s chocolate milkshake is starting to bug me.

    Well I'm finally in Canby, but I'm not all that much less bored then I was back in La Pine (that sentence is just full of bad grammar, I just know it!). So I'm going to try and start making some new AMVs and maybe spiff up the one I have out there.

    I updated the info on my video so now people actually have some options of ways to get it, at the moment its a choice of KaZaA or E-mail. Suppose I could have put in my AIM thingy too, oh well.

    At the moment I'm downloading every bit of Tenchi footage I could get my grubby little hands on, so I can finish a video I've had sitting around collecting dust. Tenchi set to Yes's song Owner of a Lonely Heart. Again it was a very spur of the moment idea, but was turning out pretty good, 'cept by the time the solo rolls around I was out of footage ;_;, maybe this blitz of KaZaA footage will breath some life into it though. And hey if I get some good shyt maybe I can start work on a video I?ve had and idea for, aptly named The Psycho Science Shimmy. It?s about Washu randomly blowing things up basically, should be good fun ^_^

    I will have to start the video over though because I was using footage from other AMVs for it and that?s just not right.

    In the mean time I think I'll work on my Invader Zim video. I got a bit discouraged because WMM is being even more finicky then ever. I just wanted to go through the clip one frame at a time is that so wrong! Apparently it is I guess -_-

    Well anyway till next time, sayonara. 
  • Well, I never finished that other journal entry 2002-08-11 13:28:22 Neptune L`amour:Status
    HP 72/100
    MP 0/1 (I am convinced I have physic powers, they just don't work yet)

    Heh, I've always wanted to write out how I feel in good ol' RPG statistics. Bleh, I hate being sick. The only good part of being sick is when you recover, so I guess that?s not actually part of being sick, so really their is no good part to it -_-.

    Well, I am going to have a reasonable amount of monies come into my possession soon, so that makes me feel better. And, with me moving this up-coming weekend I'm going to celebrate by going into Portland and buying as much anime as I can. I'll post something about it in the forums in a few days and see what people recommend. I'm thinking I might want to go for movies or a short OVA because I hate having to wait until I have more money to find out what happens 'next time on Dragonball Z!', so to speak.

    Ok, I think I'll poke around the forums a little before getting ready. Me, my Dad and my brother Cory are going to see a movie today in Bend, probably Signs. Although I am in the mood for a mindless action film like Triple X right now I must admit.

    "Sasami": Yeah you better get yourself cleaned up your a mess!

    Emm, don't mind her, my conscience was speaking to me in Sasami's voice (the American one) last night. I don?t really know why, it was about four in the morning. 
  • ......................................... 2002-07-25 06:10:18 Ok, that was the final straw. I was about to enter that journal entry I just finished, then I accidentally closed CompuServe... So I'm going to go to bed before I go completely insane and slit my wrists... (I'm joking by the way. But only about the wrist slitting part) I'll finish the jo... ggggg... kupo? My brain just shut off, good night. 
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 19:00:47