JOURNAL: Neptune L`amour

  • A repeat of things to come 2002-06-11 06:45:43 Boy I'm going to use up all my dwindling creativity creating titles for these entries.

    I went and saw Spiderman for the second time last Sunday, I really like that movie. If you haven't seen it yet do so or um... Damn... Wait, that?s it you'll be dammed if you don't see it! Yeah that?s the ticket.

    You'll have to forgive me its 3:17 am here and I was playing Armored Core 2: Another Age all day, I'm a bit fried.

    Lets see, oh yes, I thought up several new fan-fics I?d like to write, witch brings the total up to more then a dozen with only... lemmy think here for a sec... Three finished I believe. Finished is such a mis-leading word actually, I haven't even run my "finished" stories through a spell check yet, let alone had them proof read. For those of you who don't know I have only a small mastery of the English language, and I have to run everything I write (including these journal entries) through a spell check.

    So you want to here about the fan-fic I'm going to write? Didn't think so but since your here... Mwahaha

    Ok, first we start with Tenchi. I'm working on a multi-part for Tenchi that has gotten blown way out of proportion. By the time it?s done it'll be a full novel because I know it?s going to be fifteen chapters or more (probably more). And to think it started just because I?ve had a crush on Washu since I saw Tenchi Muyo on Toonami. One good thing is I have the whole thing pretty much hashed out in my mind, so all I have to do really is put it to paper and work out the finer details.

    As a break from that (why I need a break I don't know, I've only finished the first two chapters) I decided to take up the TMFFA's challenge to write a fic where Ayeka, and only Ayeka, gets Tenchi. I never really thought about it before but no one really seems to like the poor girl. Granted my good opinion of her has come from reading fan-fics, but that?s beside the point.

    Moving on I wrote a Legend of Zelda fic a while ago witch was meant to be the first part of a series. It'll be about after Link destroys the evil spirit inhabiting Majora's Mask and starts to leave he has to protect Romani in the woods as he's leaving Termaina (I'll bet I didn't spell that right). During the battle with the bandit all the injuries he had sustained and the sleep he had lost while he had used the Song of Time to keep repeating the same three days all come rushing back to him, and he's forced to stay at the ranch to recover. He decided he likes the peaceful life of a ranch-hand and decides to stay. Of course just because Link wants to live in peace doesn?t mean fate will let him, and his is inevitably forced back into action. I'm sure someone else had written something along these lines but like I've said somewhere before, if I didn't read it then I'm not plagiarizing it. Right?

    I want to write a few Armored Core fics, not just within the game but also one about the players themselves. So that'll be fun if I ever get around to it. A fic about Armored Core finally going on-line. The greatest players proving just how good they are. Players forming teams that rise to legendary status. AC pilots who are sough after for there skills and for new competitors to test there mettle. But behind it all its just a bunch of teenagers like you and me who have only just dipped are toes into the harshness of reality and want desperately to hide from it.

    There are probably others floating around in my head, and I have an original story that I won't go into because of the time here and how long the entries is already.

    Later all. Oh, and by the way. If anyone who?d like to proof read some of my stuff e-mail me. Sure I'm not working on anything at the moment but it'd be nice to get what I have on-line, some (hopefully) positive response would probably motivate me to keep writing. 
  • Random thoughts of trouble and turmoil 2002-06-04 20:22:47 Hmm, perhaps that title is a bit misleading, but I needed two words tat went together.

    Not sure why I'm writing in here, nothing new to report, no bad days to vent about. Went and saw Spiderman day-before-yesterday, and it was positively outstanding in my opinion. Bought a new (well, fairly new) game, Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, and my brother bought Final Fantasy Tactics. I know we are behind the times a bit. I wanted to buy a new game for my Gamecube, but they're just so dammed expensive, and not much selection yet. The new Bloody Roar looks like it could be fun, and I do want to get the re-vamped version of Resident Evil that they did. I hope they re-make RE2 as well, I love that game.

    We had a realtor come and take a look at the house yesterday, and another one is coming out today at six (I'm in the Pacific time zone) and its 5:13 now. I've just about got the house clean, just thought I'd take a little break and type something up. I'm not even gonna look at the forums though, because I know if I do then I'm gonna end up spending a hour or two dinking around there.

    Hmm, what else? Oh, I saw Toonami's new show Hamtaro today. In case you don't know it?s about a bunch of talking hamsters...

    Well now that I've let that sink in a little I'll continue. It was um, interesting. Nothing really to write home about, but it was certainly better then any Disney shows about hamsters I've seen (what am I talking about I've never seen a Disney with a hamster) and they?re running the old school episodes of Sailor Moon again, so that?s cool. And Serena (aka Usagi) doesn?t have the incredibly whiny, squeaky voice she dose in the later episodes.

    Ok, I think that?s about it. Hmm, you know, now that I'm thinking about it...

    200 some odd people have viewed my journal. So um, guess I should say thanks for letting me vent. It?s nice to be heard.

  • The end of the world is nigh 2002-05-29 15:26:48 Yes, that’s right. I've actually thought more then a week into the future, something that up until this point in my life I have not done ever (I think).

    So that means that the end of the world as we know it is going to blow up, and very messily to boot.

    Well, enough about that. I'm gonna start working in this GED book I have. I want my GED before I move, finally I'm getting out of this hellhole of weirdness known as La Pine. I tell you this place is a vortex of weird and freaky shit, man. But that’s ok 'cus I'm getting the hell outa here ^_^. Moving to Vancouver Washington, so hopefully that will be an improvement over La Pine. Hell I think anything would be.

    Plus I'll be near Portland, which is very cool. And job opportunities abound over there (compared to here at least) so I'll be able to buy my own computer, that Enduro I've wanted and all the anime goodness I can take ^_^

    Mmm... Anime.

    Oh, by the way before I forget, good job Tobin, this is hilarious

    Funny stuff, I like it ^_^. To bad I don't have time to mess around with it, have to start working in that GED book. Well wish me luck.

    Peace out 
  • Everybody say... YATTA! 2002-05-14 11:44:27 Whew. I don't know what is about the mornings but I'm always in a better mood now then I am the rest of the day, with the exception of late night.

    I'm putting my Evangelion fan fiction plan into action, if you haven't yet please take a look at the thread I started if you know anything about Evangelion


    Call it a hunch but I think I'm going to get chastised for even attempting to write a alternative ending, I hope that people will be a little more broad minded then that. Its not like the story will be all flowers and bunnies, I plan on writing it appropriately dark. I want to stay as close to Evangelion's plot as I can, witch is why I started that thread.

    Ahh, time for something to eat. Wish we had ramen, I've been craving some noodles.

    Till next time...
    Hang lose man 
  • Why must sleep torture me so? 2002-05-10 06:20:05 I can sleep six hours during the day, but only two and a haff tops at night. I think something’s wrong with that don't you?

    Been playing Super Metroid for the first time in a long while. Right now I'm taking a break, my controller if a little... Aged.

    Actually to be more precise it makes my thumb hurt if I play for more then about twenty seconds...

    I think I fixed it, partially at least. It should be enough to get out of the spot I'm stuck in. I'm in the bottom of the pit that the weird alien bird is in and it shows you that if you run really fast with the Speed Boots (that’s probably not what they're called, but I don't remember right off hand) and then duck, then jump you'll fly super high upwards.

    Course I couldn't manage to get it down yet, and the sharp pains in my thumb forced me to take a break.

    Might as well get back to it I guess.

    Peace all 
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