Neptune L`amour
~title has been replaced with incomprehensible ranting~
2002-05-05 01:40:06
You know I've just realized almost all I use this journal for is to vent...
Yet another problem has arisen, this one computer based for once. Right now I'm looking at the rather annoying, nerve grating AOL logo at the bottom of my screen. Not by choice mind you, my normal ISP (I think that’s the proper acronym) is CompuServe. Not much better the AOL considering there both in the same sinking boat, but ANYTHING is better the AOL in my opinion. CompuServe is on the fritz, and I had to re-install it, no big problem except for one small, tiny little thing. The version I had on the disk is so old it can't connect to the Internet, so I can't download the Windows XP patch like I did before.
But though some bit of "luck" we did have a disk with 1000 free hours of a XP compatible AOL, so I'm using that now. Whether this is a cure worse then the disease though I don't know.
Now I can live with slogging through AOL for a few weeks while I wait for my shiny new CompuServe disk to show up, assuming of course that they will send me a re-install disk after I call there Customer Support number, well after my dad calls it at least.
But what really irks me is that my mother insists on having the main user account. I really have no problem with this under most circumstances; I can access all the sites I want to without anything bad happening. But the reason I want the main account is I always have to fix the damn thing when it breaks, and it’s a bit hard when you usually can't do this without being on the main account.
What a world. Well tomorrow I'll have a little chat with mother, perhaps she will see some shred of reason in my argument. I mean come on; if I'm going to keep this computer running so everyone can have the pleasure of using it then I should have the main account on everything right? It’s like asking a mechanic to fix your car without giving him the key.
Bah, maybe I'll just tell her to fix it herself next time. Mmm, no I won't. Dammit, why do I have to be so damn nice all the time? Just once I'd like to have the liberty of being a asshole. ~sigh~ Cripes, I'll bet if I did start being a ass and telling people to do it there selves mommy would probably think I had a fever or needed some kind of consoling.
She's probably right though that I'd make a good mechanic, somehow I can fix just about anything assuming it doesn’t require some serious technical knowledge. I've fixed my old Nintendo, my PlayStation, the computer more times then I care to think about, phone jacks and several bits on several different motorcycles, not the least of replacing part of a foot break, a chair and most likely a bunch more things I can't think of off the top of my head.
But dang it, I think if I did become a mechanic I'd go crazy. Well… maybe not, assuming the person gives me the key before hand at least.
Well until the next rant.
A off the wall thought on DBZ
2002-05-03 06:52:19
Why right this in here? Well why not, it hasn't come up in the forums and these thoughts have been rattling around in my head for a few days, I need to put them down somewhere.
I have mixed feelings about Dragon Ball Z, on one hand it is a fairly Americanized (is that a word?) show, the story has become dull and repetitive, and its not exactly high drama. But if things had been done differently, I think it could have been a fairly respected anime. First off, the story was fairly fresh up until the end of the Cell saga. It may not seem that way after Toonami running it over and over again, but let me break it down so you can see what I mean.
We start with Goku, going to master Roshi's place, and everyone is shocked to see he has a son. Now I haven't seen all of the first Dragon Ball series, but from what I have Goku having a kid is pretty weird. Well moving on, Raditz shows up, and reveals himself to be Goku's brother and ~gasp!~ that Goku isn't a human, but a saiyan. So far pretty good no?
Raditz is there to see why the hell Goku hasn't taken the planet over yet, and finds out its because Goku received some serious head trauma as a kid, making him forget his saiyan heritage (or just making him to dense to be a bad guy. I know I'm supposed to be shedding some good light on DBZ, but Goku is an idiot most of the time).
So then, Raditz whoops everyone at Roshi's place and kidnaps Gohan. Piccolo shows up, and for reasons I can't recall decides to help Goku defeat Raditz. They go after Raditz, and their combined power if barely enough to kill Raditz. Piccolo loses his arm (witch he grows back soon after) and Goku is killed. Raditz reveals that the scouter on his head is also a communication device, and his fighting buddies know everything that has happened, and unfortunately Piccolo made a off hand comment about the Dragon Balls.
Enter Nappa and ~start evil anti-hero music........... now~ Vegeta. From where they are in the universe it'll take the two saiyan warriors one year to travel to Earth. Goku, now in the afterlife, goes to train with King Kai even though he must pass over snake way.
Ok, skip forward a bit. Nappa and Vegeta land on Earth and encounter the gang. They manage to stall long enough for Goku to be resurrected with the Dragon Balls and he gets to the battlefield just in time to save young Gohan, who's been training with Piccolo.
Goku deftly defeats Nappa, and then using the special techniques he learned from King Kai, beats Vegeta.
Ahem, skipping a was forward since I'm being a little long winded Vegeta escapes, and goes to planet Namick after realizing that’s where the Dragon Balls originated from.
Krillin, Gohan and Bulma all go to Namick as well, so they can resurrect their friend who were killed by Vegeta and Nappa.
Skip a little more, the begin fighting with Freeza, at the time the most powerful creature in the known universe. First Vegeta steps up, and makes Freeza change into his second form. Freeza opens up a can, then Piccolo joins the fray. He defeats this second form, so Freeza steps it up. Then in a explosive show of power Gohan beats the tar out of that form.
So Freeza transforms to his ultimate level. After getting wailed on, Goku arrives just in time to see the dieing Vegeta, who pours his heart out to Goku in a attempt to get Goku to give it his all and not show mercy as he did to Vegeta back on Earth.
Vegeta dies, and Goku and Freeza fight. Freeza powers up some, they fight some more, Goku blasts Freeza with a sprit bomb, and everyone thinks Freeza's toast.
Freeza isn't toast, and very pissed he kills Krillin, making Goku angry enough to go Super Saiyan, witch is pretty cool the first time it happens.
Anyway Goku beats Freeza to a pulp, but the lets him go despite Vegeta's last wishes for Goku to make Freeza little more then a grease stain in the dirt.
Then, from the stress of the battle Namick explodes, and everyone thinks it takes Goku with it.
And... Dammit, ok I'm stopping now, thought I'd be done at this point, so I'll wrap this up.
Each villain that showed up until Buu was there for a reason, a reason that fit with the plot and wasn't just some off the wall thing.
Raditz came to find out why Goku was slacking off. Vegeta and Nappa came seeking the immortality the Dragon Balls could grant them. Freeza didn't come to them per say, but they did run into him on Namick. Then he came back seeking revenge against Goku. The androids were made by the mad scientist Gero for the soul purpose of avenging the Red Ribbon Army, and Cell was made for similar reasons.
Looking at it that way, the plot isn't to bad all things considered. But after Cell they should have just wrapped it up and quit while they were ahead. If even just that had happened, I think the hard core anime fans wouldn't be quite so cruel to it.
Phew, finally a break from this dammed gray spot
2002-05-02 02:49:44
Ahh, for the first time in a few weeks I feel pretty good, despite the fact I've been running all day on two naps, rather then a full nights sleep. Other then that everything’s been pretty chipper.
You know it’s the little things in life that make me happy. I just finished some much needed cleaning and repair work on my room, picked up most of the stuff on the floor, fixed the broken chair so now I don't have to sit in that incredibly uncomfortable one while I type, and I flipped my mattress over so the lumpy side is on the bottom, and changed the sheets.
I feel like I've accomplished something, too bad I'm feeling a bit to fried to do much work on my fanfic.
Speaking of Tenchi, I've got this cool pic as my desktop background, its Tenchi and crew in a starwars theme, and I finally figured out what starwars picture it’s based off of. Unless I miss my guess it’s the picture they used on the Super Nintendo game Super Return of the Jedi, I'll have to track down my copy and see if I'm right. Here's the URL if you wanna take a look.
I think I'll go check the forums, see what I've missed in the last week or so, then maybe go play Diablo II some more (that scurvy bastard won't get away this time!)
Good god Mr. Smith you look terrible
2002-04-27 15:19:08
Bleh, and I'm supposed to catch up on all the sleep I've missed during the week on the weekend, like that’s gonna happen.
Well whether this has come up at some point in something I posted somewhere or not but my parents are separated, but my father has temporarily moved back in with us. This has had some good effects, and some bad.
A few good things, for one since mom and dad split I've gotten along with my father much better (there’s still no way he's gonna find out about the porn I have stashed though). Also this sounds weird but when he's not here I act like him a lot, which isn't a bad thing, but, it dose have the adverse effect of making me feel about ten years older then I am, at sixteen that’s just f*ucked up. Now that he's moved back in I'm thankfully returning to myself.
Now the bad bits, for one he's a hardass, my mother is completely incompetent as far as being the "mean" parent goes, so he's on my case a lot since I'm pretty lazy. This also has the effect that while he wasn't living here if I didn't get as much sleep as I needed during the weekend I could jut sleep all on one day or so out of the week, and no one would say a thing, but with him here that’s not going to happen.
Bah, this keyboard is making my hands hurt.
Got used to typing on my old Cumulus and now this nice, soft touch keyboard is making the middle of me left hand ache, dammit all anyway.
Well, I did get another episode of Digimon on tape today; they don't sell Digimon on any web site I've found. Well AnimeNation had the first three or so episodes of the first season. Man they need to get on the ball session three is almost over.
I got the last two episodes of Metabots on tape to. I know I need to broaden my horizons beyond the silly Saturday morning animes they show on Fox, but personally, I think that Metabots has a real sense of style. Sure its just Pokemon but with robots, but who cares? You have to watch a few choice episodes to see what I’m talking about.
Well better go take my nap before daddy starts cracking the whip again. Cripes I really don't want to have to work today >_<
Good thing I'm not psychotic, or someone would have gotten hurt today
2002-04-16 01:54:07
I'm still pissed about Toonami swamping Tenchi out for Thunder Cats... Makes me want to bash something. Oh well, I know people have seen the last entry I made, maybe that will change something.
I got started on my banner today, and I gotta tell you, it has been the most pain-in-the-ass thing I've done in awhile. I don't have any fancy picture editing software, so I'm using this crappy Microsoft program and Paint, whoop doggy I'm smokin' now.
Well I figured out a way I think I can get it together without having a brain aneurysm (is that the right word?), so well se about that.
Hey, and now for a first. The one thing that cheered me up today, I downloaded a new vid and it is one of the coolest, most hilarious things I've seen in awhile. The title is Myuo Rangers; it’s a Tenchi action video to a remixed version of the original Power Rangers theme song. Its great! I love it I've watched a dozen or so times already, in fact, I think I'll watch it again ^_^. So the day hasn't been all bad, and go download that video, its hella cool.
Till next time...
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