TexAK83 (Michael Warren)
2005-07-11 13:09:00
:) Now you just need to hop on AIM once in a while at night... :P
2005-07-11 12:52:27
Katie, you SO rock.
2005-07-11 10:37:35
I despise this place.
Yeah, back at work. My grandpa suggested this weekend that I should work for him instead of working here, as I'd be living in Grand Rapids, and I drive there every weekend anyway. The only downside is lower pay, but at this point, it's really tempting...not to mention the fact that I could keep the job into the school year. We'll see.
Better opinion than I expected on my video... :) Thanx, Katie. I'll be a bit more confident in recommending it to people now. So the rest of you, check it out.
Haruko's still up on my wallpaper...I can't find a Kenshin one I really like to replace it with (besides the "Don't Let Hunger Happen to You" one, but that was up two weeks ago). Of course, part of the problem is that work has blocked 2/3 of the anime wallpaper sites I can find...I'm surprised this place isn't blocked. Hehe, guess they never thought of it.
So I TRIED to go to bed on time last night...Kenshin caught my attention, though. I ended up watching two episodes, which kept me up 'till Midnight. Grr. I wanted to be awake today...not that it matters here at work. And I've got more to watch tonight, plus running, and hopefully some AMV work...
I still don't have enough Inuyasha to do what I REALLY want to (Audio A's "Get Down"), so for now it's a tossup between a few other songs. We'll see what I'm in hte mood for when I get home.
Not much else to report...I'm excited about Charlie next week in theaters! :) I love my weekends.
2005-07-10 23:28:10
2005-07-10 21:40:50
You know, I promised myself I wasn't going to do this...heh. Not very good at keeping these decisions, am I? :P
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