JOURNAL: TexAK83 (Michael Warren)

  • 2005-07-05 22:47:36 Well, against all odds, another video is up. It should be viewable tomorrow. :)

    My head hurts...I spent the day at home today, apparently with a migrane (I thought it was just another sinus headache). I guess that means a bit more sleep tonight...I'm not real keen on having blurred vision for an hour at a time again.

    It was a good weekend, especially Sunday/Monday. Played some games, hung out with friends, and so on. Hard to believe in only three days I'll be back up there.

    Not much else to say right now...tomorrow's Warhammer day, so down to Novi I go after work. :) Should be a fun time. 
  • 2005-07-04 00:31:16 Ow...Katie, my head hurts. That was hilarious. 
  • 2005-07-01 17:02:07 Okay, so that wasn't the last one.

    Katie, just to let you know, I'm around...*evil laughter* 
  • 2005-07-01 12:33:33 Last journal entry of the week!

    Last day of work this week, too. Hallelujah. :) In just a few hours I'll be on my way to Grand Rapids at last.

    Just finished the second Kenshin manga. :D I like, I like! I have the third one, which I'll probably read this weekend...and that means a bookstore trip on Tuesday to get more...must have...more....

    Anyway. Happy 4th (for all y'all Americans out there), drop a line sometime. 
  • 2005-06-30 22:40:56 There are numerous kinds of bugs in this world. More specifically, there are numerous kinds of flying bugs, many of which can be found near or above our local roadways. Now, a car, traveling some sixty miles per hour, is pretty much destined to impact with one or two...hundred...of these things in a normal trip. Most we don't notice - mosquitos, for example, just disappear without a trace. Others, such as butterflies and dragonflies, leave a large impact on the window that makes us groan and turn on the winshield wiper spray.

    Yet none of those compare with the sheer feelings of guilt and awe that combine upon the impact with a lightning bug. The splattered remains glow, neon green or yellow, for a few flickering seconds before the last traces of life abandon the small creature's body. You KNOW when you hit a lightning bug. And what did it ever do to you? Harmless, cute, the source of endless joy in our childhood, chasing them and locking them in bottles to make nightlights...ker-SPLAT. Just another mark on the windshield.

    Or maybe I just have a strange affection for the little blighters.

    Anyway. Just got back from B&N, picked up more Kenshin. :) Still need to pack tonight, since I won't return until LATE Monday night. My apologies, no AMV this week...but work is progressing, never fear. With a little...well, with a decent share of luck, it'll be done next week. I'm having fun making it (I'm working on it rather than playing Diablo!) so it is priority one. :)

    So now, off to packing, and then some SLEEP! (since I don't expect much this weekend). 
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