JOURNAL: TexAK83 (Michael Warren)

  • 2005-09-05 01:12:05 Oooh, a new op. :)'s ten after one...kind of waiting for my roomies to, well, go to bed so I can watch something on the TV. Who knows if it'll happen soon. *sigh*

  • 2005-09-03 10:09:27 *crickle...crickle...crack...pop...* knee hurts.

    So I was up until, oh, 4:30 last night. No real reason - just having fun. :) I re-met a guy I hung out during orientation with through a friend; we tried to hang out last semester, but he was "busy" several times and we drifted apart. However, later in the semester he met a friend of mine named Josh; yesterday, Josh insisted that I "had to meet Tim" cause I'd think he was really cool. We met, and of course were both like, "hey, I know you!" Turns out he was dating two girls last semester. :) Good for hard feelings. But anyway, he's a cool guy and it's good to have another friend around here. Other than that, we played Chez Geek (our games keep getting bigger...) and a bit of D&D.

    Today, I think, may be the new computer day. Maybe. We shall see.
  • 2005-09-02 16:10:58 Oh, yeah...done with work. A few days ago. *Hallelujah Chorus sings in background* :D

    So anyway...back at school. Wondering where Josh and Emily are...and, more importantly, how to get ahold of them. Grr. Oh well, sooner or later... One roommate's moved in, one has arrived (he'll be back on Monday), and one I haven't seen yet. Thus far, everybody's parents have looked at me like I'm some kind of corruptive acid. :) Something about the glint of metal, black clothing, and long hair, I guess. These guys are a little too...straight-laced, I guess, for me. Still, as long as they keep the place clean, they're cool. Enough. :)

    I need a new computer...and food...hmm. Stuff to do tonight, I guess.

    So I haven't been around here in a while. But I will! Soon! I have ops to give, ops to beg for, and more videos to make. Just gotta get settled first. :) 
  • 2005-08-28 21:58:14 2 days left. Just two days... :)

    Home from Renfest. :) Had an awesome time, and it was great to see Katie again (after this whole summer!). If you're in Michigan...get out there! It's a blast!

    So anyway...the next two days are work, followed by frantic packing (oh, and family dinner tomorrow night as my goodbye). Then Wednesday it's off to Calvin. :) Finally.

    So anyway...tired as can be...and probably won't be on a computer tomorrow. :(

    @Katie - Great time. Absolutely great time. :) Thanx. 
  • 2005-08-25 13:41:50 Ha! A journal entry...again...

    4 days left of work. Tomorrow's Friday! :D Can't wait to get out of here....soooooo can't wait...I'm severely tempted to clear out early (as in noon). So tempted...

    "I can resist everything...except temptation." ~Oscar Wilde

    The guy has a point, eh?

    So anyway. Weekend means A&A, D&D, and most importantly, RENFEST! :) W/ Katie, of course. Plus I get to see Steve, and Paula! Oh, and Emily. In skimpy leather armour. Maybe. And I spell armour with a "u," British style. This is what we call "too much Warhammer." :P

    Just reread the novel "Grey Knights" (yes, Grey, not Gray...British again). Decent book, though it's probably the only one I've read in which the characters have too MUCH personality. Go figure. :) Anyway, it's got a really cool litany that I'm going to put on the banner of one of my models. And, it's better than doing work. :)

    Speaking of which, I'd probably oughta get back to that... 
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