Dark4554 (Dark Clash)
The ever lagging line
2005-01-21 10:31:22
I've been sitting on "clip your wings" for over a month now... I just can't seem to finish it. The timeline is complete; there are no gaps. I'm just not totally happy with it. I also sorta holding out till I make a new opening animation for my logo.
In the mean time, I've got dozens of idea, but little motivation. ~sigh~
What I really need is an anime that has a great story and interesting characters (which is easy to come by) but ALSO has a decent love story that doesn't end up stuntded and only beinging to show at the very end of the series (last exile)... I've lately watched Scrapped Princess, Last Exile, 12 Kingdoms, and Naruto... ALL have the above stated, and the STRONG potential to have a love story... But they never do anything with it. I hate to say it, but I remember way back, from my roots, that sailor moon had an interesting love story that went on for many episodes once it was established, and still managed to do other things at the same time... I wouldn't watch it again if you forced me, but seriously, some of these series to take a lesson.
New Video.. (I'M STILL ALIVE)
2004-10-14 10:40:27
Well, it's been a long while since I've posted, but I'm still alive and kicking. I've been logging in regularly, but it's been a very long time since I'm made a new AMV that I didn't eventually give up on.
Finally, however, I'm near completing one I really like. It's called "Clip your wings"; Macross Plus dog-fighting done to "Megalomanic", of the new Incubus album.
Neither Incubus nor Macross Plus gets used much at all, so I get to chalk one up for originality. ~huzzah!~
I'll post again once I've filled in all the gaps and made a few passes to smooth it out.
2003-10-31 15:52:09
I was rather pleased today; after all the crude I've been trudging through, I've come upon a decent AMV creator: Slide. His style is not unlike my new stuff, and his editing skill are top notch.. If you haven't checked him out, do so with haste.
2003-10-23 12:14:20
If I see one more Music Video that has that damn 'colour strip that dances around representing notes' I'm going to PUKE! And LENS FLARES.. Even the most lame AMV maker should know that lens flares are for the WEAK. It' so yearly '90s!!
**Head explodes*
Failing Strength
2003-08-19 15:46:54
Uploaded another video. I'd say new, but I made it in 2001. 0_o
... I really need to make a new one.. it's been over a year *cries*
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 04:19:49