JOURNAL: rickydavisanimefan (Ricky G. Davis)

  • New Project 2006-10-04 15:55:34 DVGEA America-Game Show Productions Inc,
    proudly present

    The Greatest Stories Ever Told

    In a series of seven Opuses based on Beethoven's Ode to Joy
    (Ninth Sympathy, Movement #4

    The Opuses are as follows:

    Opus 1
    Kagome's Love and InuYasha's Devotion
    (Department of InuYasha Affairs, DVGEA America MangaAnime Relations Co.)

    Opus 2
    The Son of the Forth Hokage
    (Dept. of Naruto Affairs)

    Opus 3
    The Legend of Loveless
    (Dept. of Loveless Affairs)

    Opus 4
    Song of Rei and Asuka
    (Dept. of Evangelion Affiars)

    Opus 5
    All Hail the Full Metal
    (Dept. of FMA Affialrs)

    Opus 6
    Mew Died So the World Can Live
    (Dept. of Psychic Academy Affairs)

    Opus 7
    Marraige of Keitaro
    (Dept. of Love Hina Affairs)

    For More Information, or to submit your assistance in this project, Please visit DAGSP'S New Squidoo Lens! 
  • DAGSP Inc Vidiac Portal 2006-08-05 18:28:04 The reason why I have not uploaded anythng to the ussual way is that DAGSP Inc. has a Vidiac portal now. I would encourage all to come to the portal and see my newest creations, I would also like to introduce you to the first addition to the DVGEA America family, Mr. Brandon Small. He will be the Sub-Secretary of Love Hina Affairs, which means he will be handling all Love Hina AMVs and will the joining the Org in a matter of days.

    R.G. Davis

    DAGSP Inc. Vidiac Portal: 
  • Yes, Another Project! 2006-06-19 22:14:20 There is yet another project that I will be actively paticipating in. It is called "Tears in the Wind." A working idea has been approved and work will start on it in the next two weeks. Come back here for more. 
  • Welcome to the new DAPSP, Inc.! 2006-06-16 23:22:44 That's right, the DVGEA America - Game Show Productions, Incoporated you know is no more! Now there is a new DAGSP, Inc., with a team that is devoted to making fine AMVs without beaking the simplest ethical rules. I, R.G. Davis, have fired all of my lazy staffers and hired a new team to replace them. We now have a working idea in the works, so please expect the opions to be exported within the next few weeks. Also, for those that are concerned with the last project, It was not going where I have hoped, and have to cancel it. That is because the Google Video people thought I was a copyright violator. As for the idea, we have already a title for it. There are two new AMV's that you should know about. They are called "War is a Dangerous Thing" and "Ludwid van Yasha." "War is a Dangerous Thing" focuses on the great conflicts of several anime shows, including Dragon Ball Z and FMA. "Ludwig van Yasha", as the name would imply, has something to do with InuYasha clips and Beethoven's "Sympathy No. 9." Because "Ludwig van Yasha" is the shortest AMV we have ever done, I personall promise that it would be worth your time despite the shortness. But the changes will vary, depending on the music we recently bought. Well, that's it for now. Remember, Legalize your anime! So long! 
  • New Video! 2006-05-30 18:28:49 After countless days of soul searching and finding my inner talent, I have found it and incorporated it into my latest collaboration, "Who's Messing With Sakura." This is from Episode 3, and is a parody of all the things that have happended in that episode. But there are some problems with the beta that need fixing before uploding it onto my personal space and displaying the link here in my journal. Watch for more! 
Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 16:18:31