- User Name: rickydavisanimefan
- Member Since: Thursday, March 9, 2006, 12:00 PM
- Name: Ricky G. Davis
- Studio: Goat Hill Anime Music Videos Inc.
- Location: Montgomery, AL, United States
- Homepage: http://GoatHillAMV.Studio406Online.com
- Last Login: 2009-11-12 03:07:22
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (22)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2006-10-04 15:55:34
- Profile: Hello, my name is Ricky G. Davis, and I have been into games and anime for a combined total of over 23 years. I have no resources and no place in which to do my AMVs. In fact, I make only a small amount of AMVs. The only time you'll see me here is though the forums here or at the forums on my sites. Although I have been making lousy AMVs as of late, and have never been anywhere in the forums, I have tried to keep a good face about all of this. Sometimes the responces I get from oher people have been so bad that I have even thought of quitting. But when I look at other people and their success, it makes me wonder, "How better can I do?"