JOURNAL: Second Element

  • Sub0 2005-10-20 13:54:11 Oh wait..I read your entry closer...

    All videos of ours YOU HAVE...

    OMG- you actually have them either on hard drive and/or disc- not in the recycle bin!

    You closet Second Element fan.

    I knew it.


    Anyway- done spamming you- I've got work tonight. Some fangirls *do* have full-time jobs ^_~x Thanks for the exchange ^_~x

    Crap..I'm pulling an...SSJT and Resendel....or SSJ or..what the hell were their names again O_ox

    K- everyone type in their journals and bump me off the frong page- so I can stop being a retard. You do that and I'll stop posting. ^_~x 
  • Sub0 2005-10-20 13:49:26 Now you're just asking for it- next video or so will be properly credited to "fangirls inc" ^_^x

    OMG I forgot Furaba and Bleach!!

    Is "Evangelion" just too yesterday as far as anime obsessions go to add to that list? That might make a great addition... 
  • Sub0 2005-10-20 13:02:47 Now you people have got me doing this "journal=msn messenger" thing.

    Fangirls. Robert and LIT are both guys..but they probably don't care whether they get called fan girls or not ^_~x We're mostly in it for fun. I think....

    And yes....there are plenty out there with even MORE IY music videos than us. *gasp* Some people who release them back to back, only a few days apart.

    Hey, we've tried making stuff from lesser known anime- but no ones cares ^_~x *cough cough Hameln*

    Maybe we should start doing "Fullmetal Alchemist" and "Naruto" too. That way people can then start saying, "OMG. Can like, anyone have any more Inu Yasha and Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist" videos!!!!????"

    Wait...should do DBZ too... 
  • kitsunebeolnet 2005-10-20 11:04:13 I've officially been called a dork now.

    My life here at The Org is complete =D

    Thank you journal Gods! The masses are watching!!! ^_~x 
  • Just export it and compress it already!!! 2005-10-20 09:58:56 Can'


    Must...move things.....

    Does anyone else get the "pre-amv release jitters"? You know, you keep pushing back just premiereing the darn thing already. "No!! It's still raw!! It's still under-cooked!!! Must jam in more footage! Must change this scene!!! Must make a 2 year project out of this!!!!!"

    What will be sad is I'll totally revolve around this video, thinking I'm perfecting it, making it better, and stressing out over it. And then people will still download it and say to themselves..."Woah, that really sucked. *click* 1 star."

    Maybe I'm just paranoid ^_~x

    Okay, I'm gonna shuttup, quietly tweak this AMV to death, and stop spamming the front page with my consecutive journal entries ^_~x 
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