JOURNAL: Second Element

  • I'm losing my hard edge and mean streak that I accquired by making a career in the casino business... 2005-10-20 09:19:48 So after that I decided to peruse the forums a little more- be damned if there aren't some just downright awful people on there. And no, I'm not talking about the people who frequent it commonly with their sarcastic senses of humor. That's different. I'm talking about people who just come right out of the blue like this:

    It's like, what the bleeding 'ell? The whole point of that section of the forum is for AMV suggestions, right? So this is *just a suggestion* right? It doesn't take long for someone to jump right in there screaming 'fag!' ( In fact, if you check some of this guy's other posts, he seems to have a real obsession with 'fags' ) So not only is he completely and self-righteously blasting people, but he's using terms that many people would rightfully deem offensive.

    I'll bet he thinks he's an AMV God, too. You know the type- the type that in their video entries talk about how their friends think they make the best videos ever. And the type that will usually shamelessly mention OTHER PEOPLE'S videos in their entries, to try and derive that their AMV is "soooooo much better than THAT one".

    (LOL. That reminds me, the other day I downloaded an IY AMV where the person actually wrote in the information: "This video has already been done by so and so but it didn't do the show justice mine is BETTER". And then I downloaded their video and it pretty much sucked by the Inu Yasha AMV Viewing Public's standards. LOL. That's another thing I love- people who toot their own horns and have nothing to show for all the talk. )

    Maybe I'm turning into an old softie, or just a giant pussy, but there seems to be so much unnecessary meanness on this site...for no reason. Granted, there are some members around here that tend to get on my last nerves- but I typically keep my mouth shut. Why make someone feel like sh*t for no reason? If they are posting about every little bit of drama in their journals and using bad grammar..spelling..whatever..why should I bother insulting them when God knows that others are going to do it for me. I myself would rather contribute to this site in meaningful ways by making AMVs, consistently donating, and helping out the several people that have emailed me asking for help on their AMVs or with Premiere or.. blah. Running out of things to babble about.

    Maybe this "Meyer" AMV God with his amazing social skills can explain it to me.

    Ummmm...take care, everyone?

    Maybe now I can get flamed for being A DORK. ^_^x ( does anyone even read this thing anyway? Maybe that's why no one's made fun of me yet ^_~x ) 
  • LIEK OMG I SOOOOOO HATES HEEEEERRRRRRR!!! 2005-10-20 08:12:25 Had a laugh at that weirdo over on the AMV Suggestions of the Forum who posted a thread ( where she is pretty much the only person replying to it consistently ) and she's all hell-bent on bashing the character Kagome from "Inu Yasha".

    It just makes me laugh because her total soul is into this arguement. OMFG you hates a moving, animated object. A blot of ink on a page of a manga book. GET OVER IT. Get on with your life, O Martyr of Kagome Hateage.

    It's why I don't even participate in any of the online communities for Inu Yasha anymore- they're just rampant with this kind of idiocy. Too bad they are so rampant that the majority of the goons are becoming old hat over there, and have to come over here to The Org to argue about this stupid kind of BS. That way they have a whole new audience.

    I personally dislike Kikyou as a character, but I have yet to launch a verbal jihad against her on the forums or anywhere else; or lead a smear campaign against someone who DOESN'T EVEN EXIST.

    Besides, I do realize Kikyou's usefullness in one manner- she sure can spin good ideas for AMVs =D LOL. Like 3 AMVs we are working on now either feature her, or completely revolve around her.

  • Tsukikage Ran 2005-10-20 07:48:31 New Tsu-Ran video on the "New Vid on the Block" - from the Iron Chef competition. Don't see many Tsu-Ran vids. I think there were a whole of 2 on The Org ( which now can't be downloaded anymore ) when we released our "Gravity of Love" AMV with Tsu-Ran footage a couple of years ago.

    I love that series to death. Robert and I have been absolutely dying to do a full video to the show- but it's so hard on a series of only 13 episodes that's strictly episodic; unless we can find the right song.

    We've gotten one idea so far, but I'd like more. I just love this series so much, I wanna make more AMVs to it! Just can't find the right music for the show's style... 
  • 'Heirloom' claims another!! 2005-10-19 10:02:38 Ha haa ha Chris! It says right in the video description to sit far back from the monitor when viewing.

    We, Second Element, do not claim responsibility for convulsions, temporary blindness, or any siezures induced by viewing this video. :)~ Ha ha.

    The funny thing is is that I know you are putting this video on loop right now, anyway. You won't have enough time to get tired of it...because the next release will be out in less than a week. ^_~x 
  • 2005-10-18 15:16:51 Ha ha haa haaaa I mispelled my own name in the ending credits XD

    Now I gotta open up that stinking editor and fix that.

    That's what I get for never going to bed..... 
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