ReggieSmalls wrote:Great video

Thank you!
EvaFan wrote:Awesome mood vid jubberz, the first victorious chorus gives me the chills with how well the scene choice and sync was. Pretty empowering vidya, I whole heartedly approve~
Thanks, Josh! That scene is what held interest in the project together for me, and got me to finish. It's one of my favorite bits.
Statz wrote:Great video, kept me entertained the entire way through!
I appreciate it!
JudgeHolden wrote:
His passing was a great loss and a shock. I had gotten a QC from him, like a week before he passed.

High praise! Thanks, Judge. Yeah, I can't believe it's been a year already. I miss the big guy.
Ayanefan wrote:Oooooo, is this a new style for Jubby?? I don't think I remember such serious intensity in your work. Maybe I've been out of the AMV scene for too long. Very nice video and entertaining, action bits all the way.

I've got something silly and upbeat in the works. Just trying my action hat on for a little bit. Thanks, sir!