Dang... haven't enjoyed a video as much as I did this in a while... mind if I use it for my AMV screening/panel for Manifest?

Yep, go ahead -- Anyone can feel free to show it, just yell so I know I guess (and so I can chart out a map of zomgworlddomination! or something..)XHunter wrote:Mind if I ask the Director of the Oni-Con 2006 Anime Music Video Contest if we can use this to start out he showing?
It's plain ol' xvid single pass and mp3 audio, nothing fancy - I just toyed around until the white-on-black text stopped artifacting horridly. I'm pretty happy with it, until I look back at the lossless anyway ;)Kogo wrote:what codecs did you use to encode that.. cause its really small and looks great..