by Second Element » Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:03 pm
We made the mistake of making too many damn Inu Yasha videos, so there are a ton of rips on YouTube where people are claiming to have made them. The one that really baffles me is that in order to get around our watermark, someone went to all the trouble to remake one of our videos, using the exact same song timed to the exact same footage, just re-ripped. If you're going to go to that kind of trouble, why not make a whole new, original video of your own? Even better, for that particular video, I wrote a short opening, which they copied almost word for word, but when they were attacked by 'haterz', they claimed they had never seen our video before, and our two videos played out EXACTLY the same, just by coincidence, according to them.
I find it amusing they already deleted and reuploaded the video twice, and comments are now screened, due to 'haterz'. They want to make sure only the asspats get through.